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Guardians of the Sands by Deriaz

Guardians of the Sands


Travelling the desert can sometimes lead you towards some interesting sights... Or maybe guarded secrets? It looks like ThornDracorn and Kurrikage are watching over the sands diligently. I just want some water, guys! Help a lizard out? ... Can you even hear me way up there? I always wondered.

A big painting from AC for these two, who were wonderful to work with. While I won't deny it took me a bit to get right, and there were some hurdles to jump for meeting my own standards, I'm extremely happy with the final result. I hope you all are as well. Thank you as well, Thorn and Kurrikage, for trusting me with your wonderful characters!

Critiques welcomed as always!

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Visual / Digital


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    There's nothing I don't like in this. (Is an Egyptian mythology nerd...well, any ancient mythology really, but especially Egyptian. XD)

    The characters are so nicely rendered and the staff has a neat mystic look...but I think my very favorite part of this is that background sky! The clouds are so beautiful and real! :D

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      I actually had another sky lined up that was equally good-looking! I spent a lot of time painting some big fluffy clouds... Until a critique changed around some colors, and then it was like, "Oh, wait. These... These aren't really desert clouds, are they?" So I had to scrap them all. I'm definitely re-using that cloud reference though...

      Thank you so much! <3 Too kind, as always.

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        You're very welcome! :D

        You can always save the fluffy clouds for a nice tropical setting! :)

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    I like the headdress the one on the right is wearing. Looks very Egyptian. In fact, all the golden pieces and gems they're wearing do.