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In a Café beneath a Moonlit Sky... by Dark Violet

In a Café beneath a Moonlit Sky...

Dark Violet

The Ninetales rose, and padded softly into the room. The wolf couldn’t help but stroke along Firenze’s form with his eyes, taking in every detail; from the long, shining mane, to the large, strong paws and legs...

“I’ve always liked the look of this room” Firenze mentioned, turning so he was side on to Canid, standing right by the window. Like that, the top of his body was illuminated in the silver moonlight, the dark shadows serving only to outline his form. Canid grinned and closed the door as he continued, his eyes never leaving the Ninetales. “Then, it’s never been like the warmest rooms, on the ground floor. Those are my favourites”

Canid took a few steps closer, and then sat down, cross-legged, on the rug, his tail in his lap as he looked Firenze in the eye. “I like the cold” he said casually, stroking his tail with one paw. “Mostly because, you can get wrapped up warm from it, and it feels so wonderful when you do...” Firenze turned, walking back towards Canid as the wolf continued. “Be it in a duvet, or a blanket...or in the tails of another”

Hello, fuzzies of Weasyl! This is my first post here on this new site, and for the next while, I'll be endorsing you with a whole "Twelve days of Christmas"-style deal. In other words, every day (or as often as I can manage), I shall be posting up the best pictures I've done in the last twelve months (in my opinion).

First up, it's this one from back in January - Firenze, my Ninetales character from Café Plaisir. Maybe if y'all ask nicely, I'll post the story... afraid to say though, it's gonna be 18+~

Now, as I shall so often say... enjoy~

Café Plaisir (c) Pali Bakufun

Pokémon (c) Nintendo

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