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Christmas Memories 2017 by Dark Violet

Christmas Memories 2017

Dark Violet

The nights wrap their frozen blankets around the world more and more, the gleaming stars hidden by thick flurries of clouds and snow - but on this world, we light fires of joy, and huddle around them with our families and friends, casting the darkness aside in our celebrations. Yes - it is Christmastime again ^w^

With every Christmas comes the time for reflection, and thinking about the friends that have made this year what it's been. Through trials and tribulations, parties and hedonistic nights, there are folks that have really made a difference - and I thank you all, wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Indeed, a few personal messages...

Going by faces from the left this time!


Another year managing the meets, and yet even as life piles up, as families grow, obligations mount and life seems like it will just grow harder - you're always there to help out, oil the wheels and put a happy face on so many of the attendees. You do lovely work, and getting a hug from you whenever I manage my way to those wonderfully-run meets is always a joy. Well done, and thank you ^w^


A boundless well of enthusiasm, when there's even the slightest lack of energy in the room, it's you who's there to replace it and then some. From Star Trek to Internet Jokes, you always inject your own fun - and as a fellow canine, I can't help but appreciate that <3 And let's not forget, of course, the artistic endeavours - be it parading on a stage in a brothel run by Jack, or scribbling in a document about a brothel run by Jack, you've done a whole lot to be very proud of this year - and it's always a joy getting to hang out and experience it with you <3


This year has certainly brought relief to you in new routines and new adventures - but it's still your bouncy self underneath it all. Getting to chat programming and computers and all things techy with you is delightful, and now that I actually do this stuff as a job (or, at least, am supposed to) maybe I can keep up with you at last. Can't wait to see you at New Year's as always!


When it comes to dogged determination in drawing playsets, the prize this year has to go to you - even if I'm not sure how many contendors there would be. But as amusing as the idea of that is, that single page of your comic says a lot about you - creative, inspired, driven and determined, and seeing those traits is absolutely wonderful. Especially on a nice, friendly and polite guy like you! I'm looking forward to talking to you more in the new year. Take care, and Merry Christmas :3


Fun fact: I thought it would be fun to draw you with a wine bottle here, and only figured out days later that I also drew you with one last year. Well, when you got a schtick...
Thanks so much for another lovely year! From an action-packed EF to cookery sessions after the meets, you've always been a lot of fun to be around - even if I have to pay with my pride and dignity. Oh well - can't lose what you never had in the first place. Happy Holidays ^w^


Delightful descriptions and flowing storylines, getting to read your works over the year has been lovely! And it's not just your work on Plaisir that's brought a smile to my face, it's also having another Physicsy type to talk to about everything from SpaceX to the trials and electronics. You've had a grand year by the sound of things, so I wish you a bunch of luck for the next one - with lots of writings too, I certainly hope <3 Merry Christmas!


When it comes to most tumultuous year, I think you might well edge out on top! Not only did you have your very first furcon (Which you did very well at, might I add!), but you also had to deal with moving three times, the final time into your very own home. I know it's all big and scary, but I know you'll definitely make the most of it. You've been, once again, a fantastic friend, such a joy to hang out with and cook for, play games alongside, chat and scheme with... thank you so much!


It's been a very full year for you, story after story after story. Seeing all this creativity leaping out of you is fantastic, and being able to help and provide you with a playground for your ideas is wonderful. I've enjoyed so many of your works, and I hope to see many more in the future. Thank you, well done, and Merry Christmas!


Many years hold tough times, and for you, this year is certainly one of those - but you've powered through regardless, with that ghostly head held high and that wide grin on your face (oh, about that, it's lovely to see you so happy, but it rather unnerves the guests...)
Thank you for your chats, your stories and your companionship. I look forward to share experiences and projects in the future, and in the meantime, happy holidays!


A budding writer and artist both, seeing you develop over this year has been wonderful! From delightful stories of fun and forays, to your slowly growing artistic talent, it's always a joy to see your works. I've no doubt that you'll improve mightily over this next year, and I look forward to seeing that. Merry Christmas!


Ever a staple in our lives now, you're always a ray of sunshine in the group - even if it feels like it's been split through a prism first! Your enthusiasm, commentary and happiness are as infectious as they are delightful - thank you very much for sharing them with us, and Merry Christmas :3


I did have half a mind to simply have this paragraph contain nothing but the word 'Fluffle' in various different iterations, but that would prevent me from saying how cute you are, how lovely it is to hang out with you in games or just in normal chats, or even how much you add to the group - which is a lot! You're a very good friend who never fails to make me feel as warm and fuzzy on the inside as you are on the outside. Take care, and Merry Christmas~


I don't know what can be said here that hasn't already been said a hundred times, but to hell with it, let's go for a hundred and one. You're a wonderful, sweet, adorable, kind and loving person, always with an eye out to help others and be a wonderfully selfless person - despite your attempts to say otherwise. Spending this year with you has been absolutely amazing, from gaming by your side (either physically or virtually), to artistic and literary collaborations, to all those other times we've enjoyed. Thank you for being here for me - I don't regret a moment of it <3


I'd like to thank myself for existing and also writing these words. They couldn't have been done without someone to do them.



Wherever I go and whatever I do, there's always a 'Pix here waiting for me when I return - and I don't think I've really told you how much I appreciate that. I also don't think you realise how fun it is to hang out with you - hearing you talk about animes or games, teaching me about these worlds I only barely know, is so fascinating, and the fact that it's you telling it to me just makes it all the better. From games to shows to stupid Youtube videos, I really do love hanging out with you - so thank you very much for these shared times, and good luck with another year. Love you! <3


When it comes to happiness - real, genuine happiness and contentedness with life, and an attitude of warmth and caringness towards others, I know that you're right there with all that and more. You always have a smile on your face and an easy way to generate that same smile in others, regardless of the circumstances! And I've not even mentioned your tireless work in Someone's PC or even your wonderful writing style, either. You're a damn fine person to know - thank you most kindly, and Merry Christmas :3


Getting to know you over the course of EF was a wonderful time - from drawing you on that first evening, to chats with you in the room, to attending many an event and meal, it was lovely to get to experience the convention with you there. Plus, you're just so damn cute! Thanks for helping make EF special, and I hope to see you there again next year!


There was no way I could leave you out of this one, not after all you've done! From EF to Turkey, Someone's PC to Southampton, you've been a fantastic friend who's always been there when I've needed them. You bring such energy to any situation, an ear willing to listen to anything that needs to be said, and well-thought-out critique whenever it's wanted. You're a wonderfully energetic, unique friend, and as much as I like to joke about it - getting to hang out with you is a fantastic and memorable experience, and I treasure those times a lot. Thank you, and good luck in your new life. Merry Christmas :3


Did you know, when we first started talking, I couldn't tell whether you were a boy or a girl? And this continued right up until I saw you at EF? Not knowing what to expect was a little nerve-wracking - but you brought such happiness, delight and intrigue right from the get-go that you easily broke down those barriers, letting me enjoy your company immensely. EF would not have been the same without you, and I thank you for helping make it wonderful <3 See you next year!


From stargating around the Orion Nebula to running around with the Orion Quilava, getting to know you over this past year has been lovely indeed! I thoroughly enjoyed the times we got to hang out at EF, not to mention the numerous stories you've written - and the art you got me to do! You always bring a smile to my face, so I can't help but say thank you for that. Take care, mach's gut, und Frohe Weihnachten ^w^


When it comes to bounciness and enthusiasm, it's very tough to beat your attitude over the past year. Whether you're working, studying, or having a rather dicey encounter with a collection of tentacles, you're always there with a smile and wide-eyed desire to do more, be more, encounter more. It's been a lot of fun to hang out with you and draw for you, and the sweetness that's so innate to you just makes that all the lovelier. Thank you very much for sharing your year with me, and good luck for the next one <3

But of course, these beautiful folk aren't all that have influenced me over this past year - and so...

To everyone I couldn't quite fit on here...
Many of you have come into my lives, or perhaps been here all along, and made your own contributions to this year - and I have to thank you for that! Aroura Phoenix, Mema, Seth, Cookie, Aisha, CursedArrow, Cresce, Wisp, Donny, Meowsome, Kiyora, Anthracite, Srash, Silencien, Shadow Worfu, Robin, Rali, Shatter, srfx, Age, Mars, and Flux - you're all lovely people that have at some point put a smile on my face. I hope you have a wonderful holiday, and that the new year brings fun and joy to all of you. Thank you <3

To the wonderful cast of Plaisir...
Café Plaisir has almost exploded this year with new writers and new content! Fableye, Allester, Fawayne, Lakura, Nicolaus, Zaycara, Yoshi, CursedArrow, Tobias, Aroura Phoenix, Runewuff, Richard and Karumaru - my goodness, it's glorious to see the creativity that's just flowing out right now. And of course, let's not forget the old crew still around! October, Yuri, Coldstone, Wrince, Shatter, Spyro2Bro and Varalen - it's lovely to work with you all. Thank you <3

To the fantastic folk of Someone's PC...
My delightful colleagues over at Someone's PC, you guys are amazing. Reno, BRN, Pokégirl, CanadianBacon and Xianyu - it's been a pleasure to work with you, carried along by your creativity and delighting in your work. Thank you, and Merry Christmas to you all!

To the patrons of Someone's PC...
You guys help make something that was once a little dream a reality. A fully functioning patreon with monthly releases of salacious goodness, it's a delight being a part of it - and you guys make it possible. Thank you so much for your patronage, and I hope you enjoy what's coming in the new year!

To the staff & attendees of EuroFurence 23...
My second con after last year, and another incredible experience. I want to say thank you to all those who came to my panel, Making a Sparkledog, and made that such a success! Let's not also forget the charity table and the work we did to help raise over 40,000 euros for charity. Speaking of, I can't forget to thank the staff, the security and the charity for their tireless, selfless work in setting up and running this convention. Thanks so much!

To my commissioners...
Earlier this year, my only income was through commissions - and thus, I have to say thanks to you folks for helping make that life a reality, supporting and helping me, and making lots of lovely art in the meantime. Halou, Flux, Wrince, Fableye, Varalen, Lilulfr, SilverFox422, Eclipsia, Sandnite, Varka, Guri, Rali, Incog, Six, Luster, Zephyr, Kotarin, AngelaMyLover, Dirty.Paws, Malwolf, Litarith, FleurDeBreon, Silcas, Naughty~Charizard, 1tiamat1, DarkEeveeon, Xianyu, Crate, Ripper Equidae and all the others - thank you so much!

To everyone else...
Whether you're a watcher doggedly following new pieces, someone passing from the front page, or anything in between - I hope you have a lovely holiday, a delightful new year, and all in all, enjoy this Christmas time with those you hold dear. Eat well, drink well, be safe and be kind.

Take care, all of you - and a very Merry Christmas :3
~ Dark Violet

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  • Link

    It's been a privilege. Thanks to you, October, and pretty much every other member of the Plaisir family for dragging me into the delightful mess. Raises glass May we ever put the fun in dysfunctional.

    • Link

      Yes indeedy! I hope to see more stuff from you~

      • Link

        Working on it. October is, as always, being quite helpful. I'm just stuck on where to go from how much I have so far... Is day two of ten too early to get busy with Firenze?

        • Link

          I'm surprised it would take him that long l3

          • Link

            Having reread what I've got I'm still on day one of ten. This is gonna be good... Maybe I can make arrangements for an orgy...