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Bump In The Night by DanteAffinityXD

Bump In The Night


Colored! Also, this is the first day of summer vacation for me, so WOOT!

Dante seems to have fallen out of bed only to discover that while he sleeps, his room might not be as empty as he first imagined. At least he finally discovered where all of his socks and underwear were disappearing to. Also, there's a cute girl in the window watching him and... OMG spiders?! Dante runs out of room screaming

Oddly enough, either giant black widows spin different webs (like orb weavers) or the webs in this picture aren't created by black widows. Black widows spin messy webs, not nice symmetric ones, which is nice to know the next time you see a pretty spider web. These types of webs are actually more common among orb weavers, which bounce around and really freak out if you touch them in their web. They get to be about an inch long and spin webs up in Flagstaff that are over a yard in diameter.These webs are small fry.

Also, while Dante has clothing in the room and I have drawn him without the clothing on, I drew him bugs bunny style (no naughty bits) so that everyone could enjoy this picture while still staying within Weasyl's rules.

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