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Needle Felted Eastern Newt Soft Sculpture by DancingVulture

Needle Felted Eastern Newt Soft Sculpture


After my crazy bird marathon, I knew I had to make some amphibians. Amphibians make me super nostalgic. I grew up in a heavily-wooded community that had a big stream and waterfall nearby, so I had the pleasure of seeing newts, salamanders, frogs, and toads like crazy!
This little red-eft phase eastern newt was a common sight for me. I had to felt one <3 cuties!!!
Find this cutie-patootie in my shop!

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Visual / Modeling / Sculpture


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    hoooooo boy I love these guys!

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      Yesss!! Me too <3 they're such cuties!

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    omg!! i love these little guys so cute a big happy time during my childhood waking up early in the morning when i spent time at my aunt's Berkshires cottage and going on a mass hunt searching for these newts then releasing them before going back inside.

    i always found them so cute cuddly.

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      Aww gosh that sounds like a wonderful memory <3 They really are such cuties!!

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        that they are. it also 1 of the few times in my life me and my brothers never fought and actually got along growing up.
        it's why if i found a way of buying one of these lil guys i so would.
        though i saw that this lil guy sold, if i was to find a way to get one of these, just curious wondering at what i might cost.

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          Aw gosh, that's very sweet <3 Amphibians bringing families together ~! :D
          This guy sold but I'm almost always open for commissions and can make another! I can make a second one for 45$ including shipping if you're in the US.

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            though a question that came to mind. he kinda looks a bit fragile , at least thats what im guessing.
            when handling this or any of your other needle felted creations does it need some care or just place and leave him to view the best option?

            if i were to see if i was able to commission this as a gift for myself as a gift for my birthday though i might need my parent to sign a check or something to pay for it since i dont have papal or a credit or debit card.
            though looking at the site again money orders could work its my only option really.

            and yes i live in the US in massachusetts.

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              My needle felted pieces aren't fragile at all! The only thing you need to worry about with these guys is if you have any pets who like to get into mischief. Since they're all made from wool, many pets like to get their paws on em, so I'd keep them out of reach.
              Money orders or checks mailed would work just fine! I understand some people are not partial to paypal or don't have credit cards to use for etsy's direct checkout ^^

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                in my case i dont have paypal due to complicated financial situations IRL preventing me to even creating one. credit cards are more for my own financial protection cause i do have a habit of spending my cash a bit too easily, though might get one eventually some day to build credit and for some occasional online purchases.

                well no pets in my current residence. and thats good to know. they arent overly fragile.