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Motherhood by DagoOtter



During my constant daily pursuit of stupid things in my life, directing my young adults often stupid life decisions, in moments of breakdown, sadness, defeat or doubt - there is someone in my vicinity who from my youngest age keeps their fingers crossed for me, helps to arise from falls and breakdowns as many years ago when I was learning to walk and many times fall. In spite of my adult age, this person is always somewhere close to me, he will support me with words, sometimes "Kick in the ass" to embrace, he will always find time to talk about difficult things, hug when I was cryied (Sometimes today too). In spite of many distortions or even sometimes stutters and shaking with head on my stupid decisions, she always as guard angel watch from the side my live and maybe she worry too much about it all, but she is always somewhere nearby...

Thank you, Mom for everything <3

As always ^^ - All kinds of comments and discussion are very appreciated and expected ^^ :D