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trying by Dachindae



living with severe adhd is very hard. It’s not “fun”, it’s life destroying and damaging. It’s not “ooh a butterfly! ooh! bright shiny!”

When you get told this by the person you loved the most for a year ‘it’s not real it’s made up to sell you drugs’ 'it’s just a mindset’ 'you’re not trying hard enough’ 'you don’t need medication’ 'you just need to focus’ after hearing it from almost everyone else in your lifetime is so severely mentally damaging i can’t even put it into words. instead of actually wanting to help me he just fucking guilt tripped me made it feel like it was all my fault and that i was broken because i can’t 'focus’ or that i don’t 'have the right mindset’. instead he could have just fucking said 'it’s ok you’ll get this done. maybe not today but you’ll get this done. what can i do to help you?’
when people say 'you just need to focus’ or 'just do meditation’ i honestly have to hold back from clocking them in the fucking jaw, even if they are my best friend.

adhd isn’t some fucking joke to laugh at. I’m so fucking tired of people saying “lol i’m so adhd”

some of the things that people with severe adhd suffer from, taken from this post
• never remembering to do anything
• having to set multiple alarms and reminders for things that should be habit like taking a lunch or remembering your pills
• trying to remember to do something and ending up hyper-focused and not getting anything else done until you do the thing
• time release pills – noticing when it kicks in again/noticing when it’s wearing off
• not eating – you’re never hungry on meds, having to force yourself to eat, weight loss from not eating, blood sugar problems if you take meds too early
• temper fluctuation – quick to anger, then quicker to embarrassment, easily anxious
• memory gaps: putting something down in a random place because you thought of something else you should be doing and not • knowing where you put it down at, cereal in the fridge, leaving the water running
• tired bodies but a hyper brain – can lead to the illusion of energy
• needing to be occupied during tv/movies, constant stimuli is a must for concentration
• putting up reminders to do things and procrastinating so much you need more reminders
• listening but not absorbing what’s being said
• hyper-focus on tasks, become frustrated when incomplete – if task is abandoned, it’s probably not going to get finished
ride the momentum of energy or lose it completely
• fidgeting, fidgeting, fidgeting – moving, pacing, tapping – seriously use up a lot of space just existing
• losing train of thought or radical tangents
• sensitivity to light, sound, touch, texture, etc – especially on a bad day
• too many uncompleted tasks
• not wanting to start tasks that are long – guaranteed to get distracted
• hard time conceptualizing time: was that last week, last month, yesterday, earlier?

this is why it’s so hard for me to get commissions done in a timely manner sometimes. i’m not trying to use it as an excuse, just more inform people of why i take so long sometimes.

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Visual / Sketch



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    I for one, completely understand all points you listed... living with ADD/ADHD, as well as high functioning autism, like I do is difficult to say the least... Add to that, asking for help dealing with those issues, usually results in, inadequate/improper/uninformed help, or none what so ever, either that, or people just look at you like you're lazy, or some kind of mooch... =\ It's worst of all when those looks or negative/uninformed quips of 'help' come from family or loved ones.. So I'm sorry you had to have that happen with your partner..

    All that aside.. This character, and your art is absolutely fantastic, and I really hope you're able to find the help you need in the end.

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    Wow, yeah, all of that. ALL OF THAT.