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Holiday Aftermath #1 by Cyborg-Lucario

Holiday Aftermath #1


An attempt to draw what my characters are doing during and after the holiday (so the title might be a bit misleading). Seeing as it took me a week to make this one comic for some reason so am I not sure how long it will take me to do more of it.


  1. Check is at the cinema with her family at the cinema and watching some kind of movie. I have no idea of all Jewish traditions, so I just have them simply being together after lightning the candles on and sing and played that spintop game that I have seen some jews play with on tv. I apologize if I didn't represent you jewish people well enough.

Yes, it's official. Check is a jew. Also, her name is really Chedva, but she doesn't really like that name because the name means joyous, something that she's not.

Francis on the other hand is not a jew. He's just so happen to be going to the same movie as Check and her family. Or he might be trying to get more screen time. XD

  1. The Duncans family are happily celebrating Christmas, even when it's over. Mira may not be a fan of her dads singing or his ugly Christmas sweater, but as long as she can get to talk to her firends so is everything fine.

Their employees are also invited to the party.

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