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Inquetober 2023 - 30 by CyberCorn Entropic

Inquetober 2023 - 30

CyberCorn Entropic

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Visual / Traditional


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    A beautiful if unexpected (for me) piece to end another year of Inquetober. I'm sorry for your loss.

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      Thank you. It was this event last year that was a big part of why last year's Inquetober fizzled out in the middle of a series and why ambition crashed so hard for the past year. She was my best friend on Furcadia (even though it was entirely platonic – it turns out she'd been happily married with another Furcadian since I was literally in diapers, and I was born in the mid-70s – and we never met in real life), but I do still miss her, as does many of our other long-time friends on Furcadia. Her husband was a really lucky guy, and I still feel bad for him a year after. :(

      Anyway, don't worry. I'm not ending Inquetober just yet. Like I did twice before this month, I didn't post #31 last night. This time, it was because I needed to get to bed early in order to catch a bus earlier in the morning than I usually get up. It'll be up with #32 later tonight.

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        Aah, that explains the butterfly wings. I'm too young of a sprout to have experienced Furcadia at its height, but I'm meeting more and more people who have stories tied to that game.

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          At least Furcadia is still going, though very muchly reduced in the number of people using it. It's pretty much the majority of my daily social interactions even now.