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Axum redesign concept by CrossroadsKing

Axum redesign concept


A much less sparkly and more threatening redesign of my resistance fighter/hacker/tech-smith's mechanical dragon/virus he created.

Character and Art (c) Me

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    This is frikkin gorgeous and I love it.

    • Link

      Now if only I could kick myself into redesigning the rest of him xD

      • Link

        Do it do it do it! And then we can do an AT or something and I'll draw him! :D

        • Link

          I just don't know how I want to restructure his body yet

          He used to be the most sparkly mofo ever. and then I was like. they use this thing as a weapon. noones goona be 'fraid of that thing. So I'm redesigning him lol

          • Link

            Hahahaha you can do it buddy!

            Oh my GOD. XD

            • Link

              That was before I developed him as an actual part of the world and he was just a virus. now he has a robotic body he tromps about in and is a fully functioning....and very mischievous AI.

              • Link

                I am sensing strong Reboot vibes here. XD

                Well whatever the case, he's frikkin fab.

                • Link

                  I never watched reboot...probably due in part to being born in the US? I had to go look it up.

                  The idea actually came about due to my roommate/best friend and I joking about how Axum was just a virus an then turned into like a little Shimeji like thing for Tech's computers and was his permanent recycle bin. He wants to get rid of a file permanently? Drag it over to Axum and let him tear it to shreds.At this point he was still kind of an adaptive VI and did whatever Tech told him to. And then her character Contra/Contraband gets attached to Axum and starts playing with him and he gains intelligence on emotion and such enough to mimic it. Tech reprograms his intelligence to full AI status, not realizing that Axum will become incredibly intelligent. Contra complains about having to go to Tech's room to visit Axum(cause even though her and Tech are total bros,he has a life that she doesn't want to interrupt just to visit her computer pet.

                  cue tech starting to prototype Axum's body.

                  First go is a small inconspicuous thing mostly suited to recon.Tech scraps it due to malfunctioning hardware when he uploads Axum.

                  Second go is bigger, upon a suggestion from his boyfriend/co-leader of the resistance. This one functions better but is still buggy and unarmed.

                  Final prototype leaves Axum with a body that is just about bullet proof, and has a kinetic type shield generator. He is big enough for an entire team(about five people) to ride and is equipped with both tazer-like claws and a laser rifle in his mouth.

                  • Link

                    Hahahaha my Dad used to deliver to the Rainmaker Ent. building when it was still Mainframe Ent.

                    Oh. My. God. Please tell me there's a story? Or a comic planned? Because I would frikkin read it.

                    • Link

                      Its mostly just head world stuff we talk about but I might post little stories with them in it. Probably center mostly around Tech or Alias as those are my characters in the story. Might do some back story stuff on them as I know it but haven't written it down too much.

                      Comic isn't likely as neither me or my roommate aren't too good at comic stuff. Stories you might see out of me. :>

                      • Link

                        Oooh awesome! And head world stuff is always the best. ^_^

                        Hahahaha well I'm studying with a book on how to make comics,and if I find any success with it, I'll pass the title along to you. ^_^

        • Link

          • Link

            I APPROVE.

  • Link

    uuugh I love this!! <3 This gotta be one of my favorits when it comes to your designs!

    • Link

      Ahhh thank you <33 Hopefully I'll be doing a full body redesign for him soon before I draw him for the Character-A-Day!

      • Link

        I'll be looking forward to it!