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#1 Dad by CrossroadsKing

#1 Dad


"Daddy! Daddy!"

Xebrantes opened his eyes from where he had passed out, exhausted from the most recent fighting. His wounds were already sealing up, the worst of them reduced to mere scrapes by the time the little girl closed the distance between them. His head lolled back, looking up at the little demoness that was currently rattling off so many questions that he couldn't possibly hope to keep up and telling him all about her first day of school. He finally caught up to her sentences as she told him about Show and Tell and how much fun she had had at recess. He chuckled, a sound much like that of rolling thunder at she hugged his nose, exclaiming how much she loved him. He smiled, slitted eyes narrowing as the expression spread across his canine-like features. He lay still for fear of harming the delicate little girl. In his current form a misplaced swipe of the paw would be all that was necessary to take one of the very few things the fallen angel held sacred away. Closing his eyes, he very softly spoke words he'd have never thought he'd know the meaning to.
"I love you too, princess."

Characters and art (c) Me~

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Visual / Sketch


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    I loved the picture but the story makes it so much better.
    Lily and Xebby are one of my favorite things. <333

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    Okay, the picture is cute, but the added story made me tear up a little in the good old heartwarming way. Excellent work!

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      aw thank you!! Ironically, this character was never intended to have anything cute or sweet about him. But then he had a kid.

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        No problem! Hahahaha I've had that with some of my characters (one of which I have to redraw and then rewrite his story). They're supposed to be freaky and NOT AT ALL GOOD, aaaaand then suddenly there is something sweet about them despite everything else. XD;

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          This guy went and fell from being a Dominion for being Wrathful and enjoying punishing demons and the like too often....turned into a bitter hateful evil person, has more sins under his belt than there are legs on a millipede. Drives humans to sin just overall a nasty guy to run into. Then he met Atropinic's character Belladonna and after some rocky say the least, he got a kid. Somewhere between then and the kid being born he turned into a nice(r) guy. He's still a jerk.

          • Link

            WOW. Talk about having a lot of bad karma. XD Despite all this, the story is still super adorable. I have no idea why I have a thing for tough/monster/vicious dudes taking a child under their wing and then having a huge soft spot for them.

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              I do too

              I have a lot of really nasty characters that end up as nice guys XD or partially nice. there are some of my characters that will never be entirely nice....just civil //snort

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                It is the worst thing when you talk to someone who just does not get why you adore characters like that, especially if you would probably wind up disliking them in real life. Because then you have to try to explain WHY you like it.

                Also, HOW did you get a strike through your text? I can't seem to figure that out.

                Hahahaha fabulous! :D Nasty characters turning into nice guys has to be believable when it happens, and some characters can't quite manage it as well as other characters (if they can manage it at all).

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                  its < s> text here < /s > without the spaces ^^

                  Yeah most of my characters I'd absolutely despise if they were real and some of them I'd fear for my life. Also it is so hard to explain to someone that doesn't create characters anything about your characters without sounding like a crazy person.Cause man I don't even control the crazy little things. They just evolve....on their own.

                  Most of my characters just tend to turn civil.I can't think of any that have done a complete personality flip after having them for a while. My character Arxend/Drex/Dre/crazy bastard did it in the beginning. Just decided he wasn't going to be the character I thought he was going to be.

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    Aaaah, how glorious! Thank you! Still figuring out how to work Markdown, as opposed to the HTML I'm accustomed to on deviantArt

    I KNOW THAT FEELING. XD Some of mine I could possibly be buddies with, others I would be annoyed by, and then the rest it's just... *squeaky voice* Run away! *flees* Fortunately, my family is a creative one, so while I may get some weird looks about certain characters, to some extent they DO understand what it's like. XD My youngest brother in particular, actually. He's got hundreds upon hundreds upon HUNDREDS of characters he's made (Fakemon being the bulk of them until recently). I also know the feeling of the characters evolving on their own. XD I made Tushka Tala'ko (who I still have to make a ref sheet for), and decided he was somewhat stern, didn't talk much, etc. And was a loner. And then suddenly he had a (somewhat) secret obsession with cars and races, knew weird pop culture facts (that I had had no idea about until I got the inexplicable urge to look them up), and then bam. He had siblings. Because a totem pole isn't just ONE creature, so a totem pole must have multiple spirits attached to them! So now I have an eagle partial shape shifter, a bear partial shape shifter, and a fish (salmon) partial shape shifter. Best thing? I don't know a whole ton about Native American culture. Partly because I haven't yet done the courses I need to so I can take the one which is all about Native Americans.

    Hahahaha I made a villain for a story idea (which I have been procrastinating about for agessssss) and he was supposed to just be freaky evil, and then suddenly he became... Some weirdo saviour, who was intent on wiping out humanity so that his race wouldn't be wiped out. I have no idea how I'm going to kill him off, but at the end of the story, he's supposed to have a flower grow for him in the field of heroes. Mainly because his intentions were good, but he looked at everything the wrong way. Most of the deaths he was looking at as proof of humanity eventually wiping out his race if something wasn't done were accidental kills, or kills influenced by superstition. So he went from freaky to somewhat tragic.

    • Link

      I have my best friend as far as real life people go, otherwise its hard to explain. My dad understands to an extent.

      Drex was just supposed to be manipulative and two-faced...and he went from this kinda harmless manipulative two-timer to this evil as hell like demon possessed jerk that paid people off to find out peoples dirtiest secrets and like killed his parents in coll blood and its just like WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!

      I try to research my characters but theres so many of them. //facedesk

      Tushka Tala'ko sounds really awesome actually :O

      • Link

        XD I barely see my IRL friends in person. Usually, I wind up talking to them on the Internet because while about two of them are in the same province as me, they aren't in the same city. XD And only one of them has a driver's license, but she's going to university and has two jobs AND there was a flood at her house recently.

        HOLY FLIP. O_O Wow. Woooowwww.... I am just.... Wow. I'm sorta a little impressed just by how rapidly that looks like it drove in a different direction than you intended. XD

        Hahahahaha the majority of my characters are for fandoms (the main one being Transformers at the moment and dear god most of them look incapable of transformation), and there is no. Way. I could EVER. research stuff. For ALL of them. Mainly because a new character idea will pop up while I'm researching and oh hey, it's character fifth something! Go away! I have too many! But oh, okay, you're actually super cute. Okay I'll keep you.

        Why thank you! :D He's one of my favourite characters for the story idea he's from, and he's the third character I created for it. Despite being my favourite, he is going to take ages to appear. AGES. GAH.

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          the whole process took a few months. Ironically now, he too has a kid that he spoils rotten

          It depends on the character. Like I'm researching Mikhail right now so that his random background that popped up like a week ago like BY THE somewhat not really accurate? Getting good info on Russian police forces is hard. TT~TT

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            That can still be fast, though. XD Oh my gosh he does?! XD Oh my!

            True, true. I usually have more success doing research for a character when they aren't fandom related. Mainly because I get much more focused instead of going 'oh hey, cool, random fact. Can't apply to the character I'm looking for but- oh no, new character.'
            There's probably a good reason for that. XD If I were looking that up, I'd go for tons of secondary sources rather than primary ones, just because hearing second-hand stuff will probably give a clearer picture. But that could be just me and my brain could be malfunctioning at this hour. XD

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