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CozyHeart by CozyHeart



Name: Cozy
Nickname: "Co"
Age: 29
Birthday: 4th December 1984
How Old Does She Appear: in her 20's
Species: Eastern Gray Kangaroo

Homeland: Australia
Occupation: She has a lot of jobs she can never stay at just one.
Finances: She get's by but often finds herself low on funds.
What Does She Live In: An apartment in a city.
Pets: A pet rock "Steve"
Dream Job: She wishes to win the lottery so she doesn't have to work anymore
Education: All the way to high school
Religion: Agnostic. Though she wishes to be left alone. She doesn't like people annoying her about religion.

Hair Colour: Gray
Fur Colour:Light and dark gray
Eye Colour: Gold
Nose Colour: Blue
Markings: Black, Yellow, Blue
Build: Average
Voice: Australian Accent
Fashion Sence: Mostly casual.

Good personality traits: Adventurous, Independent, Persistent, Reliable, Imaginative.
Bad personality traits: Jealous, agressive, possessive, flirtatious, fussy, sarcastic, Random.
Is Happy When: eating or sleeping
Is Sad When: There is no food in the house
Is Jealous When: A girl talking to a guy she likes.
Is Angry When: The guy looks interested in the girl.
Is Annoyed when: People are stupid.
Is Scared When: She's chased by seagulls.
Is Shy When: People praise her
Is Hyper When: Given a lot of sugar.

Colour: Blue
Food: Pasta
Drink: Pashionfruit Soda
Fruit: Pineapple, Mango, Red Grapes.
Vegetable: Corn, Potato
Music: Hip Hop


Hobbies: Video games, watching tv, internet
Plays a musical instrument?: Drums
Plays a sport? : Soccer, Swimming
How she would spend a rainy day: Sleeping or surfing the web.
Spending habits: She tends to spend too much then wonders where all her money goes.
Smokes: no
Drinks: Sometimes
Other drugs: no
What does she do too much of?: Being lazy
What does she do too little of? : Working.
Nervous tics: Bites her nails.

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