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Viviparous Wyvern by Cindyaa (critique requested)

Viviparous Wyvern (critique requested)


Commission for kz2101

And also an awesome description from kz2101

"He's what I call a Viviparous Wyvern. They don't lay eggs due to the the absolute lack of substantial caves or flat ground in the mountain tops. And because living on the ground would wipe out their species due to overpowering predators such as Mutilators, Shock Wyrms and Phenomium Walking Plants (a moving flower which draws creatures in with its wonder, then fires sharp tendrils at its prey with release digestive fluid once inside its body, and that's not good for a dragon with a soft underbelly)

Viviparous Wyverns are semi-sentient, like dolphins, yet are killed relentlessly regardless. Humans and like creatures slaughter them for their beautiful and practical black horns, and colorful scales. Mountain Giants hunt them for their flavorful belly meat.

Most Viviparous Wyverns are red with stripes, however some mimic the green coloration of a Mountain Green, which looks anatomically identical but is highly poisonous. Unfortunately, the more informed hunter knows that Mountain Greens are not viviparous, and a quick glance at the center of the dragon's belly will break the disguise. Some Giants will even kill the Wyvern by firing a spiteful arrow into the poor thing's belly-button, as a mocking "I found it".
Life is hard for a Vivi, but they survive. And get some revenge along the way, hehehe."

Thank you for allowing me to paint this creature, it was so much fun!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    since this is critique requested, i want to give a bit of input.

    first of all, excellent value rendering and light! you're really good at it. what you could work on though is your knees, and this really depends on what kind of structure you're going for. the lizard look is impressive and gives a more animalistic feeling, but in the legs and the knees especially the anatomy here looks like it could be changed to suit a different, perhaps more sturdy stance. just like in style rendering, the anatomy choice for dragon like things (especially since theres so many) comes down to what feeling you're evoking. this looks like a concept species description, going by what you posted. lizard might be good, but then why the anthropomorphized proportions? it really looks like a humanoid. so to see a non-humanoid knee and upper thigh structure seems strange when its supporting a humanoid-proportioned body.

    other than that, your wing, head/neck and feet work are great, and your composition is clear. super solid work!!!

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      I understand, I've mixed a bit of bat and bird anatomy on the muscles, since bats have clavicle as well, so it can swing its arms, maybe my recent studies on human anatomy influenced some of my decisions. Also I though that this creature doesn't use much his legs, it supports his weight with all the limbs, like chimps, weaks legs, strong arms. It can raise up its body for a short period of time.

      thanks for the critique! ^^

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    The details and coloring on this is phenomenal!!

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      Wow, thanks! :D