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"Randy" by Betsy by christaphorac

"Randy" by Betsy


Randy Null
age: 10
place of residence: Velvet Fox Circle, Pleasant Park, Hedgehaven
likes: school, computers, gaming, sweaters
dislikes: summer vacation
is: fragile, very modest, brainy
Number of times he's been beaten up on his street in 2 years: six
Monetary amount he's been robbed of in same time period: all of it
The residence next door is: vacant, due to a fire.

Randy's the youngest on his street by about 5 years, and the only kid who isn't a stoner of some sort. Dad's outta the picture. Mom's at work far too often.
As such, Randy spends most of his free time indoors, losing himself in video games and the computer. He likes school because then he gets to see his friends there, and get free food through the lunch program. Summer vacation is something he merely endures.

Art by the lovely Betsy. Character invented by me back in 19-gotdamn-93, but undeveloped til recently.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Oh my god. Poor little thing. I'm drooling <3

    • Link

      I know, right? X3 <3
      I had to talk Betsy out of giving him glasses because I thought that'd be cliche.
      Basically, I saw him as a potential ally Ricky randomly runs into.
      I'll tell you more later when you're healthier. ;3

  • Link

    Blargh, faved…I don't normally fave things by an artist other than the poster (unless I fail to notice or there isn't another version of it posted by the original artist :P), but…blaaah that description! *huggooo* ;3;