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Nuoto Test Animation by Chisech

Nuoto Test Animation


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Visual / Modeling / Sculpture


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    Such a lovely colorscheme on this entity: the marbled blue body with the rich violet maw (or at least an element which outwardly resembles a mouth)

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      To be fair I do use convoluted terminology like "cephalic dehiscence" (two different independendly evolved structures functioning as mouths, since archaic matanu have a single shared oral-anal opening) and "opercular dehiscence" (the exit hole many lineages have developed to escape their false body, which they inhabit, much like how the distantly related kokunu have a true crystal body inside a false clay body). Ñejutë-Moritë, when separate mouths are present, have either a radial or vertical mouth. Lekïtea-Yaso-Maraso-Poteta have a horizontal mouth instead.

      TLDR yeah that's a mouth. This character/species/genus in particular is a recycling of the "moon spirits" (Yasi/Jaci/the Moon being the house of the Sky Mistress, Wife of God, in Tupian faith) from back in 2009 when the canon's only resemblance to its current state was the presence of yahanu (a type of telinu) and the zalnathazo. I also jokingly call this species "messed up coelacanth" since a couple of people have likened it to a fish.

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        It's really cool to see what a human might see as just anatomic structures hold spiritual and metaphysical properties. There were a couple old videogame projects by the artist Osamu Sato which made use of a system sort of in that realm (facial features seemed to have effect on a player's abilities if I remember correct) but this here is creative to they extreme.

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          Thanks! I remember hearing about those games years ago and yeah, sounds like something up my alley haha. Love reading the confused reviews.