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Matanu Lifecycle by Chisech

Matanu Lifecycle


Or in this case in particular, women (pronounced ポメン or ウォメン).

Submission Information

Visual / Modeling / Sculpture


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    Very interesting, while more familiar living entities generally use one method or reproduction, the Matanu seem to incorporate several. Budding and sprouting sort of like a coral or fungus but also including pathways into unique forms which give way to much more variety I bet than simply cloning/budding/ect.

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      Yup, always been obsessed with plants and fungi, in part because of coming from a family of farmers. For long I've also had vivid dreams with all sorts of critters which I've always wanted to make art of. And on top of that the three main telinu groups (koku/naqand, yaha/hunan and jeka/mataç) are supposed to be a mix of South American nature spirits (in the sense they interface with reality and their, ahem, phallic designs) and buddhist allegories, hence they're especially capable of clinging onto existence (the opposite of nirvana) through their various modes of repdocution (and even resurrective immortality for some).

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        Dreams can yield some bizarre and even useful ideas that the waking mind wouldn't have considered. I do love those spiritual inspirations, it seems like Western mythology gets constantly rehashed in popular media (despite being greatly overdone) where as even descriptions of individual entities and stories from the East and global South are incredibly varied on their own.

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          Yeah it's tiring though I don't blame people since they're probably just working with their cultural context haha, which is actually what I'm doing as well given my Tupian upbringing and the fact even Catholicism in my area is a messy blend of indigenous beliefs and some buddhist concepts (much to Vatican's chagrin).