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Genesis Part One, Skupples by Charrio

Genesis Part One, Skupples

Part One
Origins of Animal Constructs.
Written by, Charrio (Charles Uriarte)
Part of Furegon, Book In progress.

Centuries ago, when Man was still tied to the planet Proxis he had always known. Still in the time of discovery, one of the golden ages of advancements only decades after the secrets of flight, fission, advanced micro electronics and a myriad of countless improvements to lives across the globe. People were getting more and more advanced technology with every passing year, some gleefully accepting it and others turning their nose at it not ready to change.

It was at the end of this age that the world started to change, and change faster and faster as things built up between nations and the division of wealth and education. This wasn't a world of one nation and certainly never of one view without struggles and conflict. This world was sitting on centuries of hate and policies that never changed as technology and human views evolved.

During this time of random discord, Wars broke out here and there and quickly ended as other nations tried to quell the fighting, often sending troops as peace keepers to babysit the situation and area. Corporations had been watching the Global scene for decades and had taken to try and distract the people with entertainments. Television being the strongest agent for sales and hypnotizing the viewers with endless shows all about nothing just mindless distraction. While people were amazed at the movies and flashy new gadgets all designed to make a buzz and purchases over and over with frequent updated versions.

People being the creatures they are, are quick to form cliques and groups for and against things. Many groups swore by one product or another, all of them did the same things it was really a mute point to fight about but humans have a need to feel above the crowd. Years past with companies coming out with new fads and gadgets as fast as people would buy them. Many things one would consider stupid or foolish came out those years. Foam Hats, Electric Rakes, Video screen shirts showing a clip of video playing across the front fabric.

All these inventions were bringing out great advancements and the entertainment industries were not the only ones improving as time went by. Medicine was leaping ahead with the cracking of the Genome, which was first slow to start but as computers advanced and each scientist working from notes of another it was cracked.

It happened quietly at first then exploded, a company cloned the first animal. People cheered then quickly a division of sides both arguing for and against the new ability to create life. What would happen if they cloned a man? This was already in the works as companies always keep a decade or more ahead in projects, rarely does the public ever see stuff not released or not meant to be seen.

Shortly after the first cloning, Some geneticists working with a hefty budget created the first Artificial animal. It was a curious thing to be sure, no bigger than a hamster and formed to be cute. Using animal DNA and Human they gave their creature intelligence by modeling it's brain structure to be very simular to a mans. It's large eyes bright and small arms and legs covered in brown fur, only living a few months but gave them the data needed to go forward. Another construct and another soon followed each a refinement of the original. Decades went by, the small constructs kept in labs and modified with every generation.When they had something that was cute, playful and easy to clone with a lifespan of 5-7yrs. This was what they were looking for, a Living pet very simular to a living Teddy bear. During this time a war had started in the dirtier less wealthy nations, making the world's people turn away from entertainments while they watched the killing and fear shown 24/7 on the TV's.

The wealthy corporate heads always looking to change the subject back to sales introduced a new TV show "Skupples" Skupples was a vehicle for selling products, mainly the new must have pet. People were simply amazed, rarely does a new Item or invention come along that has such a changing impact. Skupples could sing, dance, understand it's owner but not talk. Everyone simply had to have the new Construct pets, the cloning centers set up for the very event failed to keep up with the insanely large demands.

A little while into the craze owners started to find that Skupples were doing some odd things. Many were learning to read with the help of their owners, Skupples had found a way to Talk so to speak. Using small phones or keyboards, Skupples let owners know it was far more intelligent than they had previously thought. Some people who grew afraid of the idea of genetic constructs with intelligence started legal battles, trying to get them outlawed.

Time went on and Skupples held on, some countries and nations banned the genetically altered pets, and some embraced them as the wonder they were. Due to the cloned nature of Skupples, people could not breed their pets and raise litters. Not until private labs funded by people who pay to get what they want did that hurdle fall, small in number at first the new Skupples came in Males and Females. Thanks to easy tells in the genetic codes, scientists had tweaked the personality to be more subservient to Humans, taking an almost sidekick role.

Many people had one wherever they went, a private confidant and buddy who always loved being with their owner. Many a Skupple died when their owner passed on, heart broken the ever loyal pets just let go and died. This made them all the more endearing to people as the bond was becoming symbiotic. Many new breeds of Skupple came out, companies unable to stop breeders made their own varieties. Dogs and cats were the first common forms people think of when they hear the word Skupple now. More exotic forms were made as well but none more Loyal and loved as the Canine breeds.

They had mastered Dogs early on, it was a large portion of the Original Skupple code. The world had now come to terms with the creation and acceptance was almost total among the more first world nations.

Wars still raged on, the small conflicts came and were forgotten by most a world away. One small country desperate and dying finally lit the fires of a war that would carry across the globe. The first nuclear weapon had been detonated in over a century, the yield was increased by modifying the out of date bomb. The explosion sent shock waves across the area for hundreds of miles and grabbed the attention of the world.

Nations instantly went into high alert, some attacked no one reason is clear tho the detonation seems to be the starting point. Now in a state of alert, countries set plans into action. The most wealthy started up project, "War Dog", a military application of the Skupples Construct.

Didn't take long, seeing as they had mastered this pet to change it into what would be called, Dog Boys. Dog Boys were built for war, bred by the thousands at first, loyal intelligent and able to use it's animal senses for their human masters. Skupples when first created had this feature disabled, the labs felt it should be more like a humans in senses. Altered again when military commanders demanded they be able to speak and not use talk boxes, which were small units that they could type and it would speak.

Thanks to the Skupples craze most people were quite used to animal companions on a more equal level. Commanders became the Pack leaders to the Dog Boys, training them to use advanced weapons and tactics. Most Dog Boy packs however were used as scouts and guards.

The war continued on, and as other nations got their own "War Dogs" Programs running the wars became less and less fought by humans. Humans took 18yrs+ to train and breed a new troop, Dog Boys could be capable in far less time. The loss of life was incredible, Humans it seems are able to be blind to the suffering of others. Most didn't see the death of Dog Boys to be anything much, they were cloned mostly since breeding them took longer tho capable.

It wasn't until a pup born on base and raised as a pet by the base commanders son, did a voice be heard, small at first but not to be dismissed.


Genesis Part One, Skupples


The Origins of Animal Constructs, part of the book I'm working on.
Genesis Part One
Origins of Animal Constructs.
Written by, Charrio (Charles Uriarte)
Part of Furegon, Book In progress.
Draft version, so forgive spelling or grammar

Part 2

Submission Information

Literary / Story