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A Whale of a Time: Weight Gain Drive! (BONUS 4) - Art by Fluffs by Charem

A Whale of a Time: Weight Gain Drive! (BONUS 4) - Art by Fluffs


This is the fourth of four bonus images of the Weight Gain Drive with the artist Fluffs! These bonus images were earned by the amazing participation and contributions by donators to the drive! And this is the last one! ^^

Unlike the other images, this one is unrelated to the main 'story' of the Drive. This is an entirely-bonus single-image event featuring my ex-human Leafeon character, Aspen!


Click, clack, tap. Aspen's padded digits smooshed down the keyboard keys in a rapid procession, finishing up another line of a spreadsheet. He blinked slowly, his eyes burning a bit from staring at the monitor so long.

The office was dark; it was well-after normal work hours now. Aspen preferred to stay late, though. He was happy to have this job, to be able to financially support himself like any adult human could. He used to be one. No...he still was one, he strongly felt, despite the...inconveniences that he'd gone through. That's why he dressed as human as he could, and held work, and acted mature and professional... As...much as he could.

...But. It was...easier to work during the less-busy hours. Other humans could...heckle him a lot, and that included his co-workers. Some misguidedly mistook him for somebody bringing their pet to work, and treated him like a common Leafeon. Others treated him with more dignity, but couldn't help but crack some jokes at his body. Still others picked on him for his weight...something he had trouble controlling, especially with his less-than-desired Leafeon instincts...

His weight, yes... The Leafeon reached over to the open pizza box, grabbing another slice as he paused his work, but still lazily stared over his monitor. He tried to manage it, but there was always such a hunger... If he didn't eat enough, he couldn't control the feral mood, and would binge... But eating 'enough' would constantly make him fatter... He'd have to exercise enough just to balance it out. He'd been working on this as well as he could for the last year or so, when he'd started working at this office... He didn't want to deal with the fat jokes and the snarky offers of Pokemon treats at this job

But more than that, he didn't want to lose this job like he had the others... Because it was hard to convince your employer you were a worthwhile employee if you turned into a feral Pokemon and romped around the office raiding everyone's lunchboxes. He couldn' that again. He was a proper human...he'd show them all that. He needed to prove that, each and every day, despite his form...

Gulp. He swallowed down the crust of the pizza slice, feeling a momentary release from his tension as it tumbled down his fat throat. Aspen's eyes hazed over, unable to focus further on the screen as he reached for the final pizza slice in the box, mmmhph'ing as it also slid into his drooling snout, and down his greasy throat...

Riiiip. Another portion of his shirt tore apart as more pizza plopped into his growing gut... His pants straining with another imminent tear in them too. The human clothes would not hold much longer...nor would his human mind.

...Despite his concerns, he had already been lost to his hunger hours ago. Working away on his mind-numbing work, he had failed to notice him succumbing to his weaknesses. He had ordered one pizza after another to the office that evening, hazily forgetting he'd already eaten the moment each pizza had been fully stuffed into his gut. Not even noticing as his fatty body strained against, then slowly defeated, his clothes.

Yes, working late, alone, let Aspen avoid ridicule and judgement. But it also left him too isolated to notice as his humanity slipped away, replaced by the feral hungry Leafy he really was inside...

The hungry Leafeon could only discern the glow of the screen now, a hypnotic light that only seemed to encourage him on his need to stuff his snout. Slowly he half-slid, half-fell out of his chair as he lost the knowledge of sitting so upright, his gut squishing well-into the carpeted office floor as he stood properly on all fours. His nose sniffed about, soon aiming towards the company's food-stocked break room...

...Given the hour, no employees would see him roaming around like a hungry animal this time. But as such, there was also nobody around to stop him from scarfing down anything edible he could find... And he'd surely be discovered come morning shift, happily passed out and cuddling against his overstuffed tum in whatever executive room had the nicest throw rug to sleep on.

Poor, poor Aspen. It is tricky to hold a job when you're a 'starving' Leafeon, isn't it?