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A Whale of a Time: Weight Gain Drive! (Update 2) - Art by Fluffs by Charem

A Whale of a Time: Weight Gain Drive! (Update 2) - Art by Fluffs


I'm happy to announce the second update of our planned Weight Gain Drive with the artist Fluffs! This is a multi-week donation-funded art sequence where $1 = 1 pound of weight added to my character.

This Weight Gain Drive serves as a fundraiser to help support my finances in a fun and interactive way. Drive proceeds will be split evenly between myself and Fluffs at the end of the event. This event will last 8 weeks in total, and feature new images every other week.

This is an event integrated in with my Twitch streams (, but anyone is welcome to participate if they would like to make my character all fat!

For more details on how to join, check out:


To assist with the next bloatening phase, Ruffer elects to call in a reliable catering service. While "Lucy's Bakery" is not directly affiliated with BloaTV, their cakes, pies, pastries, cookies, candies, and other assorted high-caloric decadences have been utilized to GREAT effect many times on the show.

Bakery owner ~Lucius the Lurido~ elected to personally deliver the large custom order, alongside his peppy and reliable assistant, ~Alex the Charmander~. The treat-laden carts they wheeled in quickly perked up the stuffed dog whose maw it was all meant for. The order WAS custom, after all...and much of it integrated BACON into the usual recipes. Something a dog, no matter how full, cannot resist!

The bakery workers, enamored by the thought of growing the purple mountain, elected to personally feed Charem, crowding in on the plush pup and giving him plenty of pets and scritches along his softening frame as they stuffed that snout with bacony-goodness from both sides~ (In this case, bacon-bits cookies!)

...And, seeing as he didn't need to personally get his workers involved, Ruffer elects to take a bit of a snack break of his own... Him taking just a few things off the loaded carts wouldn't be a problem right? ...Look, he was a canine too, cut him a break! The smell of all this bacon had made his belly needy...

Submission Information

Visual / Digital
