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[FLASH] How Many Licks Does It Take... - by Pippuri by Charem

[FLASH] How Many Licks Does It Take... - by Pippuri


It's a classic question, really. How many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a Charem? No, no, it's not how many times you lick me that matters - it's how many times I licks YOU. ;P

The cute little Charmander just thought he was getting some friendly -albeit very drooly - slurps from his older kin... That is, until he suddenly found his head glomped between my jaws. ;3~ Yum yum!

Oh, and it looks like the answer to our question is just one lick. :P At that point I'm quite done tasting a potential meal, and my stomach much demands that I nom it immediately! Yes, I'm not terribly good at savoring my meals. xD

This delightfully-delicious animation was made by :iconPippuri:. ^..^ Sure it's rough, but gosh-dang do I love it! This is actually only the second time I've ever been in a Flash animation (the other time was in a very old animation I drew myself). Thanks a bunch, Pip! <3

Also, for those curious why the thumbnail is in color, I decided to color in one of the animation's frames to make for a neater thumbnail. It's nothing amazing, but I'll submit it in my Scraps folder in a few moments for those curious in seeing the full image. ^^


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