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Life|Death|Recovery by ChaoticallyKhaos



I came across a base that really inspired me so I decided to use the concept idea of it and twist it a little to make it my own. When I was making this I realized how much I suck at drawing backs! lol like shit, I spent a lot of time on trying to draw the side view. I guess I need to start practicing more on backs. I did have a lot of fun with the wings!

This is also a new OC. I'm still a hesitant about the colors so I may end up changing them. I'm just trying to give myself more diverse characters when it comes to skin tones because I realized that all my oc's have grey skin, blue-grey skin, or pale tan.

I haven't come up a name for him yet but I've decided to play him in Morbidia. He's not a god but he's very powerful, and also very sensitive to his surroundings. He's connected to the Underworld due to being a decadent of the God of the Underworld. He has about a quarter of the ruler's bloodline in him. It's not much but it's enough that affects his DNA. He was born with several souls inside of him that over the years of his maturity, they have grown to become a part of him. When he talks, several voices speak out all at once. But he doesn't really talk much. He's more of the silent and calm type. He's also a loner. Not always by choice because he's a rare breed that can walk between life and death. So most stay away from him because if one gets too close, they are able to hear someone close to them who has passed away.

When I was making this I also decided to change some things in Morbidia and several ideas for new characters.

Base that I used for the idea belongs to @/SevenWaysToDie
I didn't draw over the base. This is all drawn by me. I can't express that enough.

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