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Vancoufur Vendor Table! by Ceowolf

Vancoufur Vendor Table!


Just another little announcement about my table at Vancoufur!

Only one more month until the great convention of Vancoufur will begin! All the excitement and my first dealer table ever! (hopefully not the last :P)

So, as both an artist and a chainmail whachamacallit, ill have lots of interesting things at my table!

First is the art!
I'll have a SFW and NSFW binders with art in them for you to look at and hopefully have some prints for people to buy as well!
I will also be handing out my pre-ordered badges from here so dont forget to come pick them up!
I will take commissions but they wont be able to be completed until after the con due to me not being at my computer to arts!

Secondly the chainmail!
I'll have lots of premade things for you to look at / buy and lots of lanyards of many colors for your badges the be proudly displayed on!
I'll also have some grab bags up for you guys! some $10s, $20s, $30s, and maybe a couple $40s. They will contain up to / close to 2x their worth in chainmail goodies but the surprise is that you dont know whats in it! but I promise the pieces inside will match eachother.
Also I started making scalemail recently so I challenged myself to make a demonstrational dragon tail which I will also take commissions for! (to be completed after the con) You may see my BF wandering around the con wearing a black one, just ask him and he'll point you in my direction.
Last but not least! I'll also take custom chainmail commissions at my table but its first come first serve, any pieces not completed before the end of the con I till mail to you.

I'll be at table 17 next to Wild Element Studios / Julie Julien and Nicoface

Be sure to come visit even if just to say hi or look at my work!

Excited to see you there!


Submission Information

Visual / Other