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Chakat Tigerlily [Closed Auction] by cat_named_fish

Chakat Tigerlily [Closed Auction]


Starting Bid: $10
Ending Bid: $250 with MitsuneRoyal

Below is a journal that I posted on Furaffinity here-->

My inspiration was to create a new story from an old idea and hopefully spark some creativity into someone else. Let me explain. Chakats are a races of feline taurs based in a scifi universe created by Bernard Doove aka goldfur. Go HERE for more information about them! Through out the years, he has written dozens of stories and novel about the race and their universe. In turn, he has inspired many, if not hundreds of people who are now in the furry fandom (including my fiance, who in turned brought me here).

One book he has written, and in my opinion probably his most popular, titled Transformations is about a man through a series of unfortunate events was transformed into a chakat. The story goes on to explain his trials of adjusting in a new body. Its a very good read, and if you haven't read it, I suggest you do :)

Why is this related to my comic? Well, everyone I know have been raving about the transformation part of the story, and I thought it would be neat to create story with a different kind of transformation. While this universe does not have magic, it does have very advanced science. And with great power comes great responsibility, right? Not necessary. There are some people who would abuse this power to do whatever they want, whether it be for profit, personal gain, or in this case Revenge .

Curious now? Good So why am I taking this great story, and selling it as an adoptable in an auction? Its definitely not for the money, I swear! It may sound silly but I want to inspire someone. I want to spark someone's creative juices, whether its drawing, writing, or even just RPing! Sometimes people are willing to create someone, but they just need that extra push to get them through the door.

So all I ask is that, even if you don't win or even participate in this auction, Be creative this week! Make a new character, write a little story. It doesn't matter if you not a good writer or artist. Just create something! Be proactive and let your imagination sore!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    Aww, guess I don't get to roll the stripy chakitty into my giant katamari ball. :p

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    I got a wolf taur myself ^^