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Who's This Fox Taking Over My Room?!?! by caribbeanfox

Who's This Fox Taking Over My Room?!?!


From the original post: This past week this cheeky little fox broke into the house claiming he was really me, made his way up to my room and then proceeded to make himself at home; even sitting in my very own chair and demanding I find him some "furri pornz" on the Internet for him! O_o Fearing no one would believe this incredible tale, I quickly snapped a picture (which he was only too happy to pose for >_> ) before he ran off with $142.18 from my wallet mumbling something about him needing it to buy bus tickets and a wooden barrel for his kangaroo friend who is waiting for him at Niagara Falls. o_o

I'm still pretty happy with this pic, and I decided for this upload I'd clip out all of the room clutter and focus on the fox. ^_~ The only thing is seeing it at full-scale some of the rough edges on the inking show up. =P

I also fixed some of the lighting in this version, as there were some areas that I felt needed more glowy reflections off the chair to make it look more realistic. =3

I decided to take the photo when the sun was shining through to challenge myself with some harsh lighting conditions, and I think the result is pretty neat. However, after doing other harsh lighting pics I believe now it's actually easier to light characters in these extreme conditions. XD

Done on Tablet PC with and Photoshop in September of 2007.

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Visual / Digital