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stop ignoring cyberbullying by camochibi

stop ignoring cyberbullying


it's ignored too much or shrugged off...never okay...

reupload because useless comments

don't comment with any of that "it doesn't matter since its online" or "you're being too sensitive" bs,

I lost one of my few friends to this, it's not some stupid joke. if you don't have anything nice to say shut up and bother someone else

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    I was bullied as a kid and a bit online. It hurts, no matter where or when it's done.

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    How is this going to stop cyber bullying?

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      never said it would

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    Whether it's in person on online, it doesn't matter. IT STILL HURTS.

    People really don't get it.

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    In some states cyberbullying is a misdomeaner offense. It needs to be that nation wide. It has become a SERIOUS problem and I do believe that social media sites and sites that have alot of chat/message activity should take action against such matters of cyberbulling and harrassment. Both have cause issues in many peoples lives both at home and work.


    I know this pic wont stop cyberbullying but I hope it sends a message that something does need to done.

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    what people don't get is depends on how serious it gets, it can be reported to local authorities and action can be taken (IE if Bob told Susan he was going to come rape her and kill her family. She could take it to the police and it can be acted on)