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Bartle by Caeldian



The things that HAPPENED to this guy! My poor, poor Tiefling. Certainly not the most grand of adventures, but he is certainly my fave Pathfinder experience to date. Somehow he ended up getting wings before he natrually grew them, ended up with an automatic firing crossbow, and ended up with a glorious violin to enchant everyone with it's lovely sound. Then there was the fact that he somehow ended up with a harem, and impregnated many women along the way.... accidentally. And he's afraid of women. ._. My DM was a cruel one. <3

This is an older image, and once again, anatomy irkings. But I do love my Bartle so <3 Convenient Smiley! Though if I had the chance now... I'd probably make it bigger. >______>; just a little bit. I'm risking the general rating once again because again, no bits showing, but I'll certainly change that if need be.

Description from DA:

What do I rate this in maturity? Convenient Smiley is Convenient.... >> .... << .... I'll go for a warning in nudity lol.

ANYWAY. So my lovielove and I have recently recently joined a pretty in depth Pathfinder game, and it's my first one! I've had a few DnD sessions, but I've been told it's similar to the kind I have played. Regardless, I'm still new at these games and since this is so in depth I feel pretty nervous. :C Besides, I roleplay and write all the time, but I'm pretty bad at translating that into "becoming" my character. Oh yes and he glows, kind of. And you can't see, but his eyes are gold rimmed with purple. :]

So yes, this is my Tiefling Abyssal Sorcerer named Barte. He comes from Sandpoint and he's a grave caretaker/mortician. So far all I know is that he doesn't really like other people, because people aren't too comfortable around him/don't trust him, smiley faces are convenient, and that he's veeerrryyy shy around girls. But he's at least nice! Really he is!

Enjoy xD

Bartle and art:

Tieflings: Pathfinder

((Also I've found out that my laptop tends to make everything look a tinge greener, so these aren't the true colours I wanted. :C))

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    Convenient smilie is convenient.

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      Indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed~ We joked around that if you actually took off his clothes, that smiley would still be there in game. >_>

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        That.....that's actually both a very funny yet scary thought. I think it's best he just keeps his clothes on XD

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          LOL! Tell that to all the women who chased him down for sexytimes. xD Only they will know the truth~