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Luthe by Caelan (critique requested)

Luthe (critique requested)


Luthe for my friend supaslim! She’s been super helpful and generous to me lately and I’ve been enjoying reading her Desert Shade story, so I wanted to do a little something.

It’s also been a nice study; I’m well outta practice with portraits and trying to re-acquaint myself with where I am with that and what I still need to learn.

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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    The only thing that I would suggest trying, is his face looks old (like about mid 40s) but seem to lack any wrinkles. Perhaps some underneath the eyes, and on the cheeks (just a soft hint of them) Otherwise... jaw drop WOW! Amazing job.

    • Link

      Thanks for the feedback! Hmm. He's reading as older than I intended, then; shouldn't appear older than thirties-ish. But that's an age I'm not used to targeting. Do you have any insight as to what is causing the older read?
      And thank you! C:

      • Link

        It could be my own viewing of him, I can see a 30ish too when looking for it. Perhaps it's the skin tones not blending smoothly in some areas (so that they flow together instead of meet up). Another possibility is when I saw him I associated him with Roland from the Dark Tower Series (by Stephen King.. awesome read) and/or Commander Vimes from the discworld series (by Terrie Pratchett.. very punny in a good way).

        • Link

          Hmm, okay, thanks! I'll keep that in mind to look out for in the future.
          Hah, that's funny. I don't know the Dark Tower series but I know Discworld! Gosh, that reminds me I've been meaning to get back to reading those... its been years!