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Four Seasons by bunidoom

Four Seasons


Day 22 of the 30 Day Art Challenge!

Today's theme was "Favorite Season".

And I was apparently feeling FOOLISHLY AMBITIOUS but it was soooo worth it. I am more proud of these four pictures than I have been of anything in a long time! This 30 day art challenge really has made me flex my skills.

I worked on this on and off all day and even have a little art blister from holding my tablet pen. <3 Still worth it!

I can't pick just one favorite season! They all have such wonderful things to offer! In the Winter there's Christmas (and my birthday) and while I have been a bit too cold lately with no heat, I prefer cold to hot! In the Spring the world is coming to life again with new beauty and growth to see every day. In Summer the weather is right for swimming, one of my favorite things! And in the Autumn there's a nice brisk bite to the wind as the leaves change, harvest of tasty treats (Pumpkins, yum!) and, of course, HALLOWEEN! I love Halloween! I love holidays, and I love the change of season!

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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    I didn't notice the spider until now lol Is he saying Yo cause you're swinging him around too much or just to say hi? =]-

    • Link

      Just saying hello! He's a friendly sort.

  • Link

    Super cute hon

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      Thank you so much! <3

  • Link

    Wow, you did such a great job on this! I love your backgrounds and all your costumes/attire and cute expressions! :D

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      Thank you! I worked really hard on backgrounds and clothing so it would give off a seasonal feel. <3

  • Link

    I LOVE how the summer one looks like a selfie. TOO CUTE.

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      I was trying to think of different poses and stuff and I thought a selfie would be perfect for a summer beach trip x3

  • Link

    Very cute seasonal pics. ;D

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      Thank you <3 It was fun to try and make every picture different and reflect the seasons.