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Feral Tuggy by bunidoom

Feral Tuggy


Ever since I gave my fursona stripes I wondered what a cross between a tiger and a rabbit would look like in more of a feral form. I've got piles of sketches, over the years, of ideas that I liked, but never could quite get to "work".

Enter a wonderful sketch from Wyngaed who seemed to just bust my brain open and perfectly compile my ideas into a little feral ball of adorable.

So I had to sketch up a feral Tuggy myself, and solidify a few of her features so I knew exactly, in my mind, what she'd look like.

And now I know! I may revisit this image, clean up the colors and shade it a bit, but for now I just wanted to show off how ootsy cutesy adorable she is.

Lil' fat ball of fluff. <3

Anyway, a bit of a rundown on her features.

~ Comically oversized tail, about twice her size, and very strong.
~ Fluffy stripes rabbit ears.
~A more pronounced muzzle as a feral, with bunny like buck teeth and tiger like canine teeth.
~Little mane of curly hair optional, but usually seen with.
~Almost hand like front paws have a widdle thumb for grasping Tuggy Treats
~Very fluffy, with a "collar" of long fur around her neck.
~Rolly polly fat little darling. <3
~Can sit up on back legs, like seen here, but walks on all fours like a cat. When she runs, it's more of a bounding hopping.

Now I just need a picture of her sleeping on someone's head.

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