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A Price Guide! by bunidoom

A Price Guide!


A price guide, giving prices for most of the works I do! The photoshopping wonderfulness of this picture was done by Azzy, but all the art is done by me!

These are base prices. If you have any questions about prices, or perhaps want to commission me (bless you. <3) feel free to send me a line!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    Hey can I get that one quote from that one movie where they were doing that one thing? Thanks much! X]-

    Your full body line art makes me think someone is looking through a peephole on a door as Ryt is about to knock trying to sell them something. Why else would he have a friendly looking expression eh? =]

    Anywho, I still love the commissions I got from you hon. I think the price is a tad unfair towards you still but that is all to the good! They are affordable in the range most people can scrounge up with only a little difficulty.

    Also I feel privileged to have Ryt featured on your commission price guide too!

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      You're such a sweetie, Synn. <3 I've tried to find a balance in my prices where, if I work quickly I get at least minimum wage. XD It doesn't quite work out aaaall the time.

      And he does kind of look like he's about to knock on someone's door. Cheshire Witnesses calling!