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Snugglez by Brock O'Meles


Brock O'Meles

Sometimes, it's just nice to snuggle.

IRL, physical touch and contact with another person makes me uneasy and nervous, I can't even tolerate massages because I find the physical contact more stressful that the massage itself being relaxing. This can be very disadvantageous at times though, because last friday (when I started this pic) I was really really stressed out at work and I could have really used a cuddle session like this or just some sort of physical comfort. So once again, this is me living vicariously through my characters, though in reality this would have me so on edge I'd be stiff as a board.

Art, Brock & Bella © brockomeles brockomeles

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  • Link

    I'd hate to just burst in here and be like HEY WE HAVENT TALKED BUT IM CURIOUS ABOUT THIS
    But I am
    Is it possible you have Aspergers? If physical contact illicits such responses from you irl?

    • Link

      Possible, but I dont think so because I wasn't like that as a kid. I was much more outgoing and demonstrative when I was younger, but I grew more introverted as I got older. I think it's more an introvert/extrovert thing. XD

      • Link

        -nods- That could be as well. Plus the less affection you receive, the more you're likely to be tense when its given. At least in my experience. Also as a side note, like the badger idea, very different and badgers are great animals

        • Link

          Lol yeah. I've been a badger fan for years, ever since I discovered Brian Jacques. Then I did some research when I was creating the sona and their behavior and temperament fit me nearly perfectly. XD

          • Link

            Oh man Brian Jacques... what a great writer. And oh? I'm curious, how so?

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              Well, Badgers generally prefer to be left alone, but they're highly tolerant of other species, sometimes forming symbiotic relationships with other creatures and allowing them to use their setts as homes. They're pretty non-aggressive unless provoked in which case get the hell out of their way. XD They tend to be very protective of their family groups and are very close within their clans. Tend to be highly fastidious and I suppose you would call them a bit OCD. Physically, they're quite strong and tough for their size and a little bit clumsy. All of this closely parallels myself. :P

              • Link

                Wow I didn't know half of that stuff about them, and I'm from the Badger state! I just knew if you find a badger's den, get the HELL out of there (my dad's german shepherd decided to take a badger on once... and lost... pretty badly)
                And its neat seeing why people choose the animals they choose for their sonas, thank you for sharing! Can I possibly send you a friend request? I always like to ask before I do

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                  I probably went into more detail researching than most people do. XD I had a story in mind for the character, so I wanted it to be as realistic as possible.

                  Sure, go right ahead. :) I always enjoy meeting new people, even if I'm not on Weasyl all that often. XD

                  • Link

                    Yeah and that makes sense to do. As a zoology major I'm glad to see someone who knows their stuff, admittingly more than I even did! Usually I see people who are like OH MAN FOXES ARE SO PROMISCUOUS SO IM A FOX when in reality, foxes often mate for life to only one other fox. Which further fuels my curiosity as to why people choose what they choose.

                    Awesome! Me too, and if you ever wanna skype mines rareopaldragon

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        (Li'l Erika)
        Maybe that's why you're such a good snuggler when you're grown down.

  • Link

    i wish i could have helped you there buddy.

    and awesome work like normal man