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Old art dump 02 by botanika

Old art dump 02


Second piece!

These are mostly from 2001-2002. I think my first OC was that grumpy dark elf dude in long coat and some super fucking weird shoes! Or probably the dude with the wolf, with the wolf on it's shoulder, but it was a character from Diablo ll, so I'm not sure if that counts :P (More of him will come later!)

The dragon girl I remember I was really proud of, all though the others thought she's laughing and not crying, which bumped me down a lot.
I had a lot of little monster designs, but I barely have anything left from those. We bought a scanner around 2002, that's when I started scanning my works, and before that, well, I didn't really. So I have almost nothing left from 2001, or before.

Anyway, I bought a lot of D&D books, and I loved them a lot, all though I had no idea what real roleplaying is, how to use the books, but I liked a lot the monsters and races and pictures etc. So I made myself some dark elf dude, and put him into some fantasy settings. I had a penpal back then, and we draw drows for each-other, it was fun!
Don't ask me about the red scanning why is that or what, it's like wtf. I guess I liked it.

In the middle the dude and the chick was drawn for a friend of mine, big WITCH fan, it supposed to be Cedric and Elyon. And some trolls. Or ogres. Big green guys with chains.

The little bird and the magnacarta chick in the side were my tries to make manga styled stuff. It didn't worked. I couldn't copy shit, and I can't even do it now. I'm terribly bad in copying for some reason! (the bird was no copy, just an example of my mangatasticism)

The girls in the bottom were a part of the series, where I was drawing some guys and bimbos named after the Diablo ll runes. When I started feeling that my stuff is developing, someone khm stole my entire folder full of my drawings (we know who was it), and she pretended not to know where they went. Thanks to a friend of my friends (some big scary guy) went to her home and asked nicely to get my folder back.

The funny thing is I wasn't really sad or whatsoever, because I felt on the other hand, that better pieces will come, so if it will be gone, so be it. All though it felt good that someone wanted my art so desperately, that they even tole my whole folder. Not just one or two, but a folder filled with 2-300 drawings. Funny. (I felt really happy when I got it back at the end).

I draw a lot in 2002, so I might make an other page.

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Visual / Traditional