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Ventures of the Unknown (ReokuKurosai/PlagueBug) by BlueKittyTales

Ventures of the Unknown (ReokuKurosai/PlagueBug)


Since the day he'd moved out, Wesley's life had taken on a startling new route that had taken him many places far and wide, without stopping for even a small breather in the time that had gone by. He'd met new friends, he'd nearly escaped death, he'd dealt with some very dangerous individuals, and all through the weird and wonderful workings of the city of Smokestacks. It was a world that was always so full of adventure, and involuntarily and unknowingly he had been involved in several.

One thing that had always remained strong was the friendship that he had formed with another of his kind, a prolific thief by the name of Reoku Kurosai. He too had travelled far in his life, though in far different ways to he, and despite their initial conflict when he'd broken into his top floor apartment in the Rapa Nui apartment complex, the two had become close since then. When he thought about it, they realized that they had far more in common than they had ever known before.

He received a call on his mobile phone out of the blue from Reoku one day, telling him to come to his safe house to discuss an idea he had in mind. Wesley agreed and made his way there, not knowing just what Reoku had in mind. And when he arrived and searched around the brightly lit though deserted area, he spotted him waiting for him in one of the doorways.

"Ah, Wesley!" called Reoku. "Glad you made it, man!"

"Wouldn't have missed it for the world, Reoku." smiled Wesley.

This beautiful image of my Fursona Wesley is a gift from my best friend and amazing bro, ReokuKurosai, who asked PlagueBug to work her magic into this piece. Seeing this for the first time made my night, and I could never ask for more than this, bro. You mean so, so much to me RK, and you always will forever more. Merry Christmas, brother - I love you more than life itself. <3

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