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Dont touch my markers, you will die by Blood-wolf94

Dont touch my markers, you will die


I have really bad lighting and don't have any good cameras so I had to redraw over the lines.

I got some copic markers for my birthday (I only got five because that's all my mum could afford but its better than nothing and I'm really glad I got some)

I was telling my mum why I wanted some in the first place and I was saying how I thought the art was digital until I realised that it wasn't and spent ages trying to find out what he used, I then found out it was copic markers, spent months asking if I could get some, but apparently now Demi-Beast owes my mum about £17.50 because it's his fault I want some and we don't have enough money to be buying this stuff (she's joking obviously=P (Razz) .) Recently when I've talked about art I haven't stopped talking about Demi-Beast and Marilyn (I want to do fanart for both of them and some other people but I don't want it to seem like I'm just attention seeking). I don't get to talk much but when I do I won't shut up, unless I realise I'm just getting on there nerves and that they really don't care, then I will and that is most of the time now.

I'm want to take commissions so I can make money so I can buy my own stuff for art but I cant because I don't have a paypal and nobody would pay me to draw them anything. people recently have wanted request and art trades but I don't think anyone would pay me. especially that I cant do things the same every time. sometimes I draw messy and cant help it sometimes I'm neater, I'm always doing different types of shading because I can never seem to do it the art style isn't even the same all the time. I'm also good at making mistakes.
I would also probably stress myself out like I have a few times recently because I would feel like I'm going to make loads of mistakes and it wont be good enough but then I cant make myself draw.

For a person who hates writing I do write a lot in some of these descriptions

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Visual / Sketch