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Idea Remake Dinosaur Planet Pt02 by blitsrainer

Idea Remake Dinosaur Planet Pt02


Character Difference's.

Let's look at the Example of Saber the Wolf from Dinosaur Planet.

Saber has the appeal to be like a fox but instead he's a wolf since the day they try to use the idea of a Tiger was going to be used due to learning from DKR that's Diddy Kong Racing for short but the idea of DKR was used to have the idea for Dinosaur Planet since it became from Tiger to Wolf with Tiger Stripes as the tail of Saber would be able to still have signature stripes the same as Krystal as well and the young voice of Adventure Fox a.k.a. the previous voice of Saber would have fit the description but if their are others that did the same voice as well along with the fact we wish for Saber's old voice would return to begin the idea remake to help others Realize this mistake so that DP would be able to have a chance to have this character back but... with some slight or lots edit to this character but... another idea to this character is this.

The idea of Magic would mean giving the character Power but would have the idea of turning the dark stripes into larger shades to show the character becoming powerful of magic or tall due to strength and able to take on the Final boss and even to show a true ending and would develop idea's for Saber to have hair as well while growing with power and wisdom to show the example on how Saber is growing up as well witch means Saber's appearance would change due to long adventures after beating bosses and or stronger magic.

and the Weapon would still be the sword but imagen forges that are scene from the idea of Starfox adventure to be some sort of ancient technology to be used to improve Sabers weapon and Magic as well and would be able to be equipped by an ancient P.D.A. witch would help with his adventure and would add more to his story to go deeper on his past the same with another but talking about Krystal would be for another time along with gathering armor for Saber to show his true potential as well to have warrior armor by raiding Armory from Sharp claw or looking at old ancient ruins to show this.

now let's talk about fox on another example.

Fox would be good with his usual old school voice Mike West is such a good idea for him to be with the past voice of both Adventure voice and 64 voice meeting each other on the talk about this subject but would give a leak if Dinosaur Planet having a Sequel to make StarFox Adventures becoming a Sequel for that leading up to such the imagination but talking about StarFox Adventure becoming a Sequel would be another story for another time than learning on how but for now the Appearance to talk to others about witch is the issue.

Miamoto Fox is not close to looking like Saber cause you have to look at the face and understanding but your thinking of the body type of the character since I noticed Fox was shorter than Mason from Starlink but give the same example to Dinosaur Planet but Krystal and Fox would be the same idea of the same Height but if you remember Randorn than you'd know about it to know it and to others should know it you should know that a human is somewhat taller than a Cornarian life form if you tried looking at Starlink but if you think of Saber being different but remember how Randorn is cause he's a lot taller than Krystal and Saber so why not just know that Saber would be taller than Fox eventually like if Fox was at the small Wolf was at the Medium and Saber at the same height as

that could be the reason why Randorn could be taller than Fox cause Randorn is the same height as Mason but possibly filled with Wisdom as Saint Grand.

but will talk about Randorn another time until than enjoy this info and character differences.


(Eevee belongs to Gamefreak)

(Fox belongs to Nintendo)

(Saber belongs to Rare)

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional



  • Link

    Now that modern technology can do more about differentiating character models in games (instead of the traditional single model=many uses theory), they can try to do a lot more of what you're suggesting here with original looks and heights. Of course, game developers could be a little lazy back in the day and reuse models incessantly. chuckle

    • Link

      Though when it comes to DP fans their are motivations but like the common artists it's what's called artist block and with motivation and lots of luck their are way's to make a perfect Re-make and over time shall know this is not only lecturing but motivation as well witch can be seen on Pt01 on the memory of the Pageant system of Pokémon.

      when they say nothing must go into a game not even good idea's.

      than explain why is their Cool, Cute, Beautiful, Tough and Cleaver in Pokémon that may give away such things exposing those five could be in a game.

      • Link

        True. Only time will tell what can happen with it.