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Deckard's Goat by baLOrKIn

Deckard's Goat


"That goat," Rachael said. "You love the goat more than me. More than you love your wife, probably. First the goat, then your wife, then last of all-" She laughed merrily. "What can you do but laugh?"

He did not answer.


When he got back to his own appartement building, Iran met him on the roof. She looked at him in a deranged, peculiar way; in all his years with her he had never seen her like this. [...]

"Someone" - Iran cleared her throat and went on huskily- "someone came here, got the goat out of its cage, and dragged it to the edge of the roof."

"And pushed it off?" He said.

"Yes." She nodded.

"Did you see who did it?"

"I saw her very clearly, [...] a small young-looking girl with dark hair and large black eyes, very thin."

[...] "Rachael wouldn't give a damn if you saw her; she probably wanted you to, so I'd know who had done this."


-Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?

As always... animals have to suffer for the goals and drives of humans. In this case, however, Rachael is no human, but a machine, an android.

Well, this is a sad piece somehow, but I like it quite a bit. A freind of mine bought it and has it on her wall, still.

I do love original Cyberpunk literature beyond all. Phillip K Dick and Wiööiam Gibson are my favourites.

Gouache, charcoal on watercolour paper


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Visual / Traditional