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ZOMBEH! {Nevermint} by AshestoAshcraft

ZOMBEH! {Nevermint}


Description is old; saved in the move from old gallery to new one for preservation purposes

I had the best time at RMFC this year :D You can read about my experience here if you're interested:

Otherwise, here's one of the many suiters I just HAD to nab a photo of X3

The suiter in this picture is nevermint and his suit is a thousand kinds of awesome. The splurting guts, the dead eyes, the realistic scaring, the mossy-green fur UMPH! Just amazing~ Whoever made this suit is really incredible, and the gentleman suiting was wonderful at playing the part~ I was super psyched to see him >w<

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    Thought this looked familiar. I was there

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      How cool! :3

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        I had a very sad time. I made no friends, but I did get some pics and vids

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          Aw I'm sorry :c I didn't make any friends either (I mean...I'm super introverted so I just went with a friend and didn't really try to make any XD) but it was fun to look at all the art, suit around, do some workshops, and all that good stuff! Wishing you well for future cons c:

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            I went alone. Tried making fur friends in denver and it didnt go so well considering how I was treated and how some of the friends I did make treated me after the con. Was hoping to make more friends with furs in the area, then maybe I wouldnt be stuck down here in this mess since I was seeking a place to stay back then and well long story, but journals semi help. I wouldnt mind going to a con again, but now would need money and a room to stay

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              For friend making I would definitely try fur meets; I've never been to one, but I hear they work better. Back when I used FB, I was on a FB group for Denver Furs and they did some bowling meets that seemed like a lot of fun~ As for money and a room...ah, I'm sorry, I can't really help you there friend :c But I'm pretty sure going to some meets would probably make you a friend who would be willing to room with you or something :3

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                I went to several meets and I never felt so ostracized in my entire life. I was not welcome, but rather excluded and no matter how much I tried to join in, no one wanted anything to do with me. Like I just sat there. Tried joining in conversations, was ignored by everyone. Like furs were deliberately ignoring me. The Foxtrot I went too however I thought I made friends, even the after party wasnt terrible, but come the time of the con an later on, wow. Such disrespect, intolerance, and how they acted like dicks. I am sadly no longer in the area, was forced to move south and once more I am the only fur around for at least 93 miles. And without a vehicle or mode of transportation, you cant make fur friends.

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                  I'm sorry to hear that, that's really mean and awful :c Don't give up though! I'm sure you'll make some fur friends! Try chat rooms and online places, those will probably help :3 Like I said, facebook! Join some FB groups and stuff!

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                    Lol the colorado furs facebook is nothing but a pool of drama. And Ive been on the chats for many years. I was a popufur before the term was created. I know how that goes, the difference was that I used to be in theater and I just did it to entertain, not to become popular or spend tons of money on images to make me popular. I did it without trying and just staying in character. But that was years ago, things are so different now.

                    Well hard not to give up when you cannot find anyone to meet and just chat with or anyone whom could help me out. I do need help bad, hence journals

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                      Maybe you're just looking in the wrong places dear :/ I dunno how to help you, I'm sorry. Don't give up though; that would be sad. Maybe the friends you already have could be introduced into the fandom? That's how I got in, a friend of mine telling me it wasn't what I thought it was and to just get into it and see if what it really is was my thing or not

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                        I do not have friends sad to say, the one friend I have is across the ocean and they have helped by spreading links to a fundraiser for me. Ive been around the fandom forever, which makes me feel very old. Least fifteen years now, soon to be sixteen. But cannot seem to find true furs. They brag here about being accepting and helping, however the way I was treated says another thing. I do enjoy helping around if someone helps out, but still do not appreciate being lied to and having my time wasted

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                          That's really unfortunate...but wow what a long time! Don't feel old, feel experienced and cool XD And... well... I hope this isn't rude of me to suggest, but maybe it's time to branch out to other fandoms? If you can't find furs, maybe finding something else to bond over will help you out more, and potentially even help you find furs in the same sense I suggested before - by introducing them to the fandom yourself c: And that's really lovely of your friend to do! I consider online friends to be real friends, across the ocean or a few blocks away~

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                            Tried that, and doesnt always work that way. People change with generations so it varies on generation to generation. So sadly, just trying to find friends in general. I dont mind meeting friends, I am friendly, so if anyone wants to be friends I dont mind knowing them so long they are true and such you know.

                            Was nice of them to do that so I do appreciate it since I need all the help I can get, hence journals.

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                              Understandable. Best of luck finding good friends in and/or out of the fandom, as well as dealing with all the financial struggles in your life and more!

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                                Bleh, that is kinda hard to do when one cannot find anyone to help period. Left me to start a fundraiser which I only got one donation. If you know anyone that is kind and caring enough to help let me know, they seem to be rare despite people claiming that they are kind and caring.

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                                  I'm sorry dear - I can't cuz I'm flat broke and any money I make immediately goes to either my family or building my buisness :/ My very minimal friends are in the same boat. I suggest trying things like social media promotion; twitter, tumblr, facebook, instagram. Instagram especially; it's a quick build up or at least has been for me; fastest I ever got followers was there. So yeah! Try doing some promotional stuff like art for money on those places, and link to your gofundme (or whatever it is) and I'm sure you'll get at least a couple bites. Keep at it; being active lets people know that you're still looking c:

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                                    Tried all that. Getting nothing. Only got 4 donations and now Im starting to freak out bad since today I finally got the bill from the IRS, whom has added their first penalty fees, the small ones, to the bill. They demand I pay over $3,200 in 3 weeks. My 4 donations only amount to $120. Thats almost 4%, I still need just over 96% in funds before that date, and if I miss that date, then I get the huge fees, which I think eventually max out to like an additional $875 a month going by the percentage given me. So social media has been a fail, needed someone to help, no one wanted to help these past 10 months Ive been searching. Cannot get a loan or anything due to no work, I have nothing to liquidate since I dont really own anything.

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                                      I'm at a loss, I'm sorry. I suggest you keep trying the best you can, and keep on trucking! Much luck to you, and many well wishes your way!

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                                        Tis all one could do. The sad truth is I cannot do it alone and no one is stepping up to help. Just getting sympathy and then they disappear