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Fruitie Patootie: Apple Birman {SOLD} by AshestoAshcraft

Fruitie Patootie: Apple Birman {SOLD}


Inspirational Music

OWNED BY: HelixDragonSong

[-] Do not resell for more than you bought it for ($5).
[-] You may trade/gift, but please inform me of the new owner, or better yet give it back to me! (no refunds)
[-] Minor changes to design allowed in future artwork of your adoptable; do not tamper with/edit/change the original artwork. Do not change design in any major way without explicit written permission from myself.
[-] Anything stated in my ToS applies where it's relevant.

One day while I was sick and bored I decided to give adoptables a try. I don't think I'm very good at adoptables, but these were fun to make anyway :D

They're what I call Fruitie Patootie's, which are a mix of Fruit Bats, Domestic Cats, and Sugar Gliders. They grow to be anywhere between 3-5in. in length (not including their tails, which are double to triple the length of their bodies). They make great pets, but they love to scamper around and climb on everything, so be careful you don't lose them! They're omnivorous, eating a diet mainly consisting of fruits, but sometimes veggies and bugs too. They can't fly but they can glide, and they do sleep upside down. They make small squeaking sounds similar to a kitten's meow and though they can't see in the light due to a distinct lack of pupils, they use their ultrasonic abilities to get around. FP's are a nocturnal species, sleeping through the majority of the day until mid-evening or so and going back to sleep sometime in the early morning. They're a strictly domestic species, but there are rumors of a wild species running about~

SUPPLIES USED: Mechanical pencil, Staedtler Inking Pens, Crayola Colored Pencils, and Rose Art Colored Pencils.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional