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Chibi Summoner by Arlyurl

Chibi Summoner


While I will not be posting the other half of the two random Omi/Ilo pictures (from sheer embarrassment it exists and the persistent questioning in my head why i ever published it to begin with) I do like this one. Maybe coloring helps..... eh.

But yea, while I wanted to draw some full scale of their downtime behavior, I wasn't feeling it, so I used chibi designs, typical thing I do when I want to get an idea out but don't want to put more effort than I have to into it.... see Bravely Demean.

Omi tends to just chill wherever she finds a place to sit, quiet taverns prefered if she can find one, while she gives Ilo a toy to amuse herself with. Ilo, as a being from another plane, is endlessly fascinated by these machinations generally made for children's playtime. Omi actually has a stash of toys, puzzles, and boardgames stuffed into her Bag of Holding, just to make sure Ilo has something to do between times of smashing pots and goblin skulls. Also yes, Ilo's armor is actually a part of an eidolons body, so it wisks away when theres nothing going on, leaving the hammer behind, being an actual possession of Omi's that Ilo simply uses in her place.

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Visual / Digital