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Omilo - Lvl5 by Arlyurl

Omilo - Lvl5


Yay! Milestone in gaming! Which just reminds me that MMO's have really cut down on the specialness of leveling where DnD really has you working for it. :P

Omi and Ilo have been working hard to become a stronger team and really pack a punch when it comes to taking down the evil spawn around Varisan. Omi's taken to handling a magic crossbow and now dawns a fancy new magic hat, while her precious eidolon has had improvement in the pure physical spectrum. Ilo's looks absolutely alien to all those that rest eyes on her now stronger and heavily armored form.

Her perception has skyrocketed as her previous visor allows her a full range of view as well as an uncanny ability to see even small details in a clutter dump of a room. Her limbs are no longer merely armored but openly bare the fact she has power to equal the steel of her treasured hammer. The celestial mist bellowing from her mask and exposed armored tail are but just additional confirmation she is a creature not of this world.

And while Omi feels her connection to Ilo growing stronger by the day, she has steeled herself in preparation to aid in combat and hides a sly cunning under her more adventurous garb. Though she tries to hide her celestial blood under an imbued hat, she's more than ready to test her gifted expertise in clearing challenges ahead of her, Ilo, and her companions.

While this was a sizably project in the making, taking me months to finally complete, I'm supremely happy with how it came out in the end, and I hope you all agree.

Also, if you're curious, yes I nickname them Omilo when I'd prefer to shorten calling them both out. :P

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Visual / Digital


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    It was amazing watching you make this. And wow at the bad assness. Brilliant job Moo

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    Wow that looks amazing Arly.

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    coool! :D

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    kedja glares :P

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      yeeeessss? :P