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Cthonian Argo by Argo-Wings

Cthonian Argo


This is Argo, my OC as she would look like as a humanoid. She's Cthonian, meaning one of the few god police out there, keeping the Gods in every pantheon in place. She started out as an Aquiletan but now she's humanoid too as I've rp'ed her a lot with Que-Sera-Sera and I thought I should humanize her. Of course she only has one wing and she has her swirly markings.

Argo © to me

Here's the proluge of a story I'm writing for her:

The pain was excruciating as she felt him cut the knife in deeper into her back. She screamed again, thinking her own ear drums would burst by the high pitched sound she could let out her mouth. One minute she was safe and happy... the next she was tied down, like an animal, to a stone, naked and defenseless, being cut into by the man who was supposed to be her protector and lover. She didn't understand why they were doing this to her. She'd only ever been caring toward them and now they turned on her, calling her a demon from hell. Said she was there to kill them all by first infiltrating their people and make them all like her and then she would feed on their blood during the night. But she never had such thoughts in her mind. All there had been was curiosity for the odd race that she'd seen from the safety of her home above the clouds. Why were they doing this? She'd never harmed a soul in her life. She'd never intended to hurt anyone and yet they tied her down so she couldn't move and she listened to while he man she'd fallen in love with cut deeper into her back until she heard a loud crack and she screamed even louder than before. He'd broken something and the pain was blinding her from anything else. It wasn't until the rain started that she began to sob and beg for mercy. But there was none to be found. She felt the rain pierce her open wound like a thousand needles while he still tried to cut into her.

Her eyes became blurred with the tears mixed into the rain that fell mercilessly against her face. She could see the blood she'd shed, dripping onto the ground and she closed her eyes, trying to think of a better place. A place where she was safe. A place where she was loved. But the pain was too much and she couldn't focus on what she wanted and needed to think of. It wasn't until she saw the part of her body, which gave her the ability to fly, being dumped on the ground in front of her, she realized what he'd done. She could hear his cry of victory while the tribe was cheering him on and showing him their support. She just lay there, panting as she was too exhausted to speak any longer. Too weak to cry or scream anymore. There was nothing left for her. She knew she was going to die. All she could blame was herself and her own curiosity. Her parents had warned her and they weren't here to save her. They'd turned their backs on her. She had nothing left to hope for anymore. Nothing. She closed her eyes, praying for a quick death. But it never came...

For three days and three nights, she lay there, tied down to the rock, left to herself to die. The scorching sun burned her wound, which had started to infect. She was hungry and thirsty but she knew none would come to rid of her longing. Her best friends... stabbed her in the back... the man she loved, tricked her and cut her so deeply she thought she'd never see anything with kindness again.

She could hear the scavenging birds fly above, waiting for her to die so they could feed of her corpse. Some had even been bold and come down to get some of her, but she'd been able to shake them off. She wasn't sure why she'd tried to survive when she really longed for death instead.

It was then she felt a kind warm hand against her dry and scorched skin and she heard a kind voice say, “Don't worry... I've come to free you Argo...” She didn't really hear what he said or that he knew her name. She was too out of it to notice. Maybe... just maybe she'd even forgotten who she was.

She felt her arms and legs being cut free but she couldn't move. She was too weak. But even then she felt the hands of this kind, warm being taking her into his arms and lift her up from the harsh rock, which had been her bed for three days now, and he took her away from that horrible place, she'd once loved so dearly. She tried to see his face but he was too blurry to see, but she could make out he was big, strong man with a harsh face. And yet his voice and touch was kind to her and she wondered if this was Death, coming to claim her life. Gods she hoped so. She'd finally be at peace. It was all she longed for. She let her head lean against a strong arm of his and she could smell his masculinity. She knew she was safe in his arms for some reason, even though she could not recognize his voice or see his face. But she knew he'd never harm her.

She felt herself loosing consciousness and could hear his deep voice ringing in her ears, saying something she couldn't make out, right until everything turned black and she knew this was it. “I'm free...”

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