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Bitter Memories by Arctacia

Bitter Memories


Theme Music:

I have spent so many days at that console, uncovering all that I was, all that I am. Sometimes, the past is a difficult thing to look back upon. In my case, I had forgotten most of it since my reactivation. But, as I read, listened, and watched every bit of data I could dig up on my past, I wish some of it had remained forgotten.

I did not realize what a monster I was. The original intent for my species was good, but someone in the background did not like it at all. As such, their dark, hateful heart sabotaged the project that was tasked in our creation. Our code became corrupt just enough to spark a dark taint. Yet, it was small enough to go unnoticed. That was, until it was too late...

I had killed too many to count in my life. Many after my initial activation, and many more before my final moments when my own system flawed fatally, an effort caused by all the races of creation that came to put an end to my existence.

Kovux managed to clear out the corrupted code when he brought me back. He really does care about me a lot. But I realize now he's all I have left. It's ironic that my own death caused the deaths of many others. But, it was worse than death...they were simply erased. When I ceased to function, so did the existence of my realm. Unfortunately, so did anyone that was part of it. Kovux was the only one who was not of my realm, thankfully. Otherwise, I would still be in stasis at my creator's home world, perhaps even indefinitely.

Though, now as I stand here and stare off into the stars of some distant corner of a realm that is not my own, I often wonder if it was truly worth the effort of bringing me back. All I had to look at and remember was pain and misery. The blood of many were still on my paws, and a guilt that weighed heavier than my soul could bare. My eyes flooded with tears as I touched the glass and gasped out in a chilled sorrow.

How could I bare to live a life like this? All I ever wanted was the truth and to live a life of happiness and to be a good creature like I thought I was. Now that I know that truth was filled with lies, blood, and bitterness, I now feel a deep emptiness. This poor shell of a body is a vessel to no heart or soul worth knowing.

Help me...please...someone help me...

[Art done by Zambuka of FurAffinity]

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Visual / Digital