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The Return of the Rob T. Weasel, colored page 1 by Antiquity-Varmint

The Return of the Rob T. Weasel, colored page 1


The weasel with no brain, is now back for the first time on internet in its comic art storytelling form! This have been printed in its limited print run of 300 copies in B&W only. Four pages of Rob T. Weasel madness.

Note: This color version you're seeing here is only colored for the internet showcase. Not sure it will be printed in color someday or not right next to the B&W version that now have been printed.

Please forgive me for the title here is lost on you. Only my former high school classmates will understand the title. Rob T. Weasel was created in the year 2009 of summer (this character creation is now six years old, wow). He was drawn a lot during the high school classes for three years. Before I made this comic, last time he was seen drawn in a comic was for one of the very first art classes at the art college. After that Rob was Missing In Action in my comic art making for years. Because I vowed to not recycle any creations of mine on any art college projects to keep myself fresh and willing to create new things. This opening page shows him waking up from a three years long sleep from being unused in a comic for three years. Old Rob T. Weasel comics was created years ago and were only published as ashcan comics in very limited copies. Those ashcan comics was printed from the home printer and were never published on the internet at all. Before I made ashcan comic copies, lot of original Rob T. Weasel art have been lost and destroyed by the high school janitor. I wasn't really affected by this loss, since I know I can make better art for years to come.

I do have some interests in posting old surviving Rob T. Weasel comics from my high school years in their original art and not from ash comic print. but I highly doubt there is any interests from anybody who is willing to see them. Because my style was kind of different and simpler back than I was teaching myself how to use the traditional ink brushes. I was worried how Rob would look like in my current style because it's have been three years not using him. It was something that shouldn't work at all, but it really did work! He still looks great in my current style, what a relief.

One of my stream friends do call him R.T. Weasel for short that I thought it was interesting way of calling him sometimes.

Rob T. Weasel, and the comic art © Wesley Hoague

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Visual / Traditional