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Sani the Beauty by Amber-Aria (critique requested)

Sani the Beauty (critique requested)


I love it when practicing art turns into awesome fanart. A learning experience and an indulgence all wrapped up in one! ♥

Here's a semi-realistic take on the beautiful bishokuya Sani from Toriko. I figured both the coloured and uncoloured versions were worth sharing, since they showed off different aspects of my process.

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  • Link

    WOAH~ Dang I like this.... I always kind of chucked at his hair in the anime, but this makes it look so much better ^^

    • Link

      Thank you, I'm glad you think so! I have a bit of a love-hate relationship when it comes to his hair. I love how it looks and works, but I also know it looks TOTALLY goony all clumped up like a head full of tentacles. xD I think I do really like the natural look for his hair that turned out here, and I might try drawing him with some ponytails and braids soon~

      • Link

        Me too! I love that his narcissism and the whole "I need pretty things" works since his hair/power ability is tied to "taste" (it'd make sense the choosey eater is picky since his taste is better than everyone else), and I dig how he not only has pretty great defensive powers, but submission grapples. Buuuut yeah his hair in anime form looks like a big wig XD The ponytail he sometimes had looked alright to me. Oooooh yeah your style would make the ponytail look so much better =D Oooh braids? 83

        • Link

          Mhmm, agreed on all counts~ Though I'd argue that while Sani's touches work for taste as well as touch, Toriko's probably got the stronger sense of taste with his sense of smell. Sani just has more of the other sort of "taste" as well that makes him so particular. xD

          I adore it whenever Sani styles up his hair. I'm the most fond of him wearing it in a braid, which I've only seen him do once later on in the manga/anime. I'll make it a priority to draw some of Sani's updos then, if you think my style would do them justice~!

          • Link

            Well I originally thought it was touch, but they've said a few times it was taste too... -shrugs- IDK, just going from what the anime mentioned. Ooooh yeah I was thinking Toriko has to have some wicked awesome taste with his sense of smell ^^

            8O Woah....the this looks so cool!!!! Argh but I know it's a look he won't use that often since that has got to bind his feelers up too... I'm glad they're playing with his hair and having different styles going on for a little at least. YES your style is wonderful =D This is super awesome~<3 I know the other styles would look just as great =3

            • Link

              It's both, actually. He can taste with his touches as well as sense pressure, heat and pain. :3 I think it could be argued either way which of the Kings has a stronger sense. x3 laugh

              And yes I knoooooow. Sani actually does stuff with his hair in his downtime and I love iiiiit. I need to draw all the hairstyles. ALL OF THEM. <33