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Airplane Growth Story by AlkaliRoo

Airplane Growth Story

Growth on an Plane

The flight lines to get on the plane were long tonight, longer than usual. He was in line for almost an hour already, snaking through line after line behind hundreds of people half his height. Alkali sighed and checked his tablet, playing through some games to idle the time away. A tablet was the only correctly sized piece of technology that he could use as a phone.

The Dewott couldn’t really avoid being seen above the crowd of people at 12 feet tall. But even giants needed to still wait in security lines. He was getting worried about running out of time though. Security always took longer at his size; he couldn’t go through the metal detectors or scanners except by crouching down or walking through sideways. The security officers didn’t usually like that. Manual metal detecting and pat downs were required instead, which took more time, and more blushing on the Dewott’s side.

It took nearly an entire hour to get to his gate for the flight. Sighing as he rushed through the ticketing counter, Alkali bent down into the flight cabin. He was almost at his seat (well, multiple seats really, Alkali took up an entire row on one side of the plane) when his phone pinged with a message. Alkali pulled his tablet out again just in time for multiple additional pings to sound within seconds.

Buizilla [20:01]: Hey, guess what? Time to grow~

Bk [20:01]: Get bigger, Alkali~

Kayne_Ein [20:01]: Got time for another experiment? Getting your growth app out now.

Dem [20:02]: Hey Alki, wanna grow?

Oh no. There were more messages arriving as well. Alkali felt the tingle of growth buzz across his body, getting his tail to raise straight up in the air. His expression turned from tired into instant worry mixed with the pleasure of growing. Cheeks turned a bright shade of red and face whiskers drooped in place when he realized this growth was extremely badly timed. They needed to get off this flight right now. He couldn’t grow inside a plane; this flight was going to be four hours long!

“No sir, you’re going to need to take your seat right now,” the flight attendant said, as the Honchkrow put a feathered wing-hand out to stop Alkali from crouch-walking forward. The scientist was certain that the Honchkrow couldn’t ACTUALLY stop him if he wanted to keep walking. But he also didn’t want to cause a scene right now if he didn’t need to.

“Pidgeot Airlines policy states that once the cabin door is closed, we cannot stop unless there is an immediate danger to the flight.”

Alkali put on his biggest, most-forced smile and started talking. “Yes, this is immediate danger for the flight. I need to-”

“Please sit down again, sir. I won’t ask a second time.”

Alkali sighed and returned to his seat. Stopping the flight was the right thing to do. But he would miss his vacation by doing that. And… well… he did enjoy growing a lot. He pulled the tablet out to read, and responded to each message in order during the remaining time as his flight taxied out to the runway. What was even happening anyway?

The problem was compound growth. People off the flight were coordinating to use his phone app to change his size at the same time. He would be grown throughout the flight from multiple sources, and this flight was four hours long. That meant four hours out of wifi range, with the growth function turned on multiple times. The thought made Alkali shiver in his seat, turned on but equally worried about the plane. His eyes scanned the length of the cabin. It didn’t look very large. Not nearly large enough to handle even more Dewott. Hell, he already had to hunch over in his seat and with head and shoulders bumping into the luggage storage above.

A button popped free from Alkali’s chest flexing involuntarily when another buzz of growth vibrated through him. That first button was followed by the rest of them in order, from top to bottom. He held his tongue to avoid moaning audibly. Excitement rising, Alkali crouched even further in the row of seats, turning to sit sideways across the row. That would buy him a little time- ohhh that felt so good, maybe he could just let this happen and enjoy the flight. A break to grow didn’t sound so bad.

Relaxing into his seat, the otter stretched arms and legs out as far as he could. His paws pressed against the seats on the other side of the plane. A pair of a Rockruff and Zigzagoon were caught beneath the otter’s paws pressed into the windows. They struggled to get free, batting at Alkali’s paw to get his attention. Rather than work, Alkali wiggled his toes and pressed his legs even harder with another growth spurt. His knees pulled up to the ceiling as he was forced to curl up again to fit in the row. He sighed with satisfaction and let the waves of growth attention from his friends continue to wash over him.

He reached a hand down to his pants to undo the zipper and button only to find it was tight enough that they wouldn’t come loose. He’d have to outgrow the clothes. Again. Frowning, he took both hands to the side of his waistband and ripped the fabric from top to bottom, releasing the blue furry legs inside. Now he could try to rest for the flight. The otter rotated out of the row, laying out along the aisle. Easily 25 feet tall and continuing to expand with frequent growth spurts. That Zigzagoon and Rockruff got up and started running down the aisle as soon as it was possible. That alerted the rest of the passengers to what was happening. Everyone turned around to see a Dewott filling the back of the plane. The flight attendants tried to get his attention but he didn’t open his eyes. Not like there was anything he could have done to stop the growth.

Alkali opened a single eye to look around, realizing that this growth was… fast. Faster than he expected. His expression turned into a slight smile. He was destroying the chairs as his legs, back, and ass grew over the empty seating. His arms squeezed together against his torso as he expanded from the aisle and then made more space by pushing the row’s seating away. Compacting everything against his body just to make additional space for his body felt nice, but it was mostly lost in the sensations of pleasurable growth that surged over his fur making the follicles stand on end like goosepimples.

Passengers backed up toward the front of the plane as two paws forced their way further to the front of the cabin. There was no escape, and even the stronger Fighting type Pokemon couldn’t push Alkali back to make more room. Those that tried were more likely to get pushed into the walls of the plane or lost beneath his legs and thighs.

“Mmmmff, that growth isn’t going to stop, is it? Ah. Sorry, sorry back there, it’s going to be a cramped flight. But this must be better than crying babies, right?” Alkali said, loudly enough that his deepening voice vibrated the cabin. “Well I think it’ll be better. Not sure about the rest of you. I’ll try to be gentle.”

The runway and terminals were completely cleared by the time the Pidgeot Airlines flight landed. No one in the flight tower could get a specific answer for what was going on inside the plane, but they could tell something had gone wrong. The pilot and co-pilot said something about not enough space in the cabin, whatever that meant. Then they cut communications just as the tower asked for more clarification. That meant the safest course of action was to assume the worst and clear out every possible place the plane could land.

Interestingly, as the plane taxied toward the terminals, every window on the plane was colored blue. The front of the plane popped open like a can of chips, and a single, dark grey paw came free. It was easily 30 feet long with toes splayed out as if stretching to show the pleasure of being free from its confines. The panels keeping the plane together began to stretch violently outward, thick steel panels and industrial welding straining against something enormous inside. Nuts and bolts popped free as a design meant to handle pressure thousands of feet in the air buckled under something even stronger.

People at the airport familiar with macros and growth realized exactly what was happening and cautioned people inside to step away from the windows and gate. They could tell someone enormous was growing inside, but how large they’d become was still anyone’s guess until the occupant came completely free. The wings of the plane fell off the sides of the plane when it began vibrating with powerful growth rumbles coming from inside.

From the left side of the plane a second paw exploded free, quickly followed by the rest of the fuselage coming apart in an explosion of steel. Alkali fell to the ground as pieces of metal bent beneath his ass and back, unable to stand up to that much weight. None of his clothes held up to the growth, revealing the slightly chubby body type of a scientist that wasn’t doing much working out anymore.

Coughing and waving away the dust of debris, the otter looked over what remained of an airplane. Small people, barely the size of one of his fingertips, scattered away or pulled themselves out from beneath the weighty rump of a titanic Dewott. He looked over his body for one specific passenger… aha, there she was. Alkali picked the Honchkrow flight attendant free from the fur of a pectoral and held her up between two fingers.

“So, do you believe me now that there was an emergency?” he asked, before setting her on the ground at his hip. She seemed to be unharmed, but did collapse on the ground from being overwhelmed.

Alkali stood up and stretched, arm joints popping as he moved. His leg muscles were very sore as well, doing a few squats and giving the micros below quite the view. He could tell that the growth wasn’t finished as well, but where his tablet ended up was anyone’s guess. He started walking over the airport, being cautious to not create any additional damage. If he could find somewhere more private, or get to one of the houses of those friends growing him, they could enjoy the growth much more thoroughly.

Airplane Growth Story


Growing indoors on an airplane, what could go wrong?

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Literary / Story