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Thief and Mage (4/4) by BuckDaSystem by AlkaliRoo

Thief and Mage (4/4) by BuckDaSystem


(Something a little different this time! Writing a story to go along with a few pictures that BuckDaSystem is making. <3 I really like his gnollish thief character, Snake. Art by buckdasystem! )

And as the ground rumbled beneath the city, the citizens started to evacuate. He’d outgrown the pub a scant few minutes ago in a shower of wood and debris showing no signs of slowing. Once all the patrons fled for their lives screaming about giant gnolls, most of the city started to pay attention. And when the guards found their spears ineffective, and their captain smothered by just one of Snake’s fingers, the city truly went into a panic. But Snake wasn’t satisfied.

“This is great! Hah, won’t be afraid of any guards now. No need to steal scraps just to survive when I can take the whole restaurant!” Snake said, raising both his arms in a flex. He was already growing accustomed to the added bulk. Shows of strength didn’t come naturally to him, but showing OFF in general did. It helped that Alkali made for an excellent audience. He was beginning to take a shine to the magician; at the very least, the gnoll proved to be very interesting.

Alkali’s face had turned a deep shade of crimson. Each of Snake’s toes were large enough that he could be lost beneath them. “Y-Yeah, for now at least! And I can always grow you back up there once the spells wear off.”

Snake’s tail stopped wagging as the words sank in. "This isn't permanent?” He crossed his arms, craning his neck down at the little mage gnoll between his paws. A moment of silence passed as Snake apparently made his mind up about something. “...well, guess you're sticking around with me for good. Cause I'm not going back to being small again. Welcome to a more permanent team up, squirt," the thief said with a huff.

Alkali squeaked, nodding his head and hiding his face behind the pages of his book. The usually loquacious gnoll found himself speechless save from agreeing to Snake’s ‘offer’.

“But casting those spells all the time is a pain. Work on a permanent growing spell. Maybe look into curses,” Snake said as he picked bits of turkey bone out of his teeth with a claw that could skewer a cow whole.

Alkali bit his lip nervously, shuffling his feet as he looked up at the towering gnoll. He’d already exhausted much of his spellcasting for the afternoon, but Snake wanted even more? “Permanent growth will take time. And curses are… dangerous. There’s all manner of things that could go wrong-” he stammered.

Snake winked with grin; he already knew Al was a pushover, so no need to be coy anymore. “What could go wrong? I already WANT to be huge, for good. Sky's the limit. Things can only go up from here, and you’re gonna help me.”

On the one hand that sounded exceptionally dangerous… on the other hand, that sounded very convincing. A gnoll that filled the sky. Alkali was a horrible enabler and he’d created a monster he couldn’t say no to.

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