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It's a Secret [Comparison] by Aliehs Slade

It's a Secret [Comparison]

Aliehs Slade


So...there is a burner I just IDOLIZE.
He is my Burning God =D
I wish I could post a link to his stuff but he is a bit of a finicky guy and has went and removed his page on Facebook =/

Anyways, the story goes like this:

A friend of mine introduced me to his work and I just LOVED what I saw, it was simply amazing!!! One day he posted a picture of a burning he had finished and was asking if anyone wanted it. He was just giving it away!!! So of course, I put in dibbs and offered to at least let me pay for shipping but he would have none of it.

Since he wouldn't let me pay him I thought it would be a nice gesture to send him a burning instead =) Apparently he is a Dexter fan, and loves blood splatter!

So, knowing all this, you can imagine the pressure I felt when making this. The end result?

I am not happy with it =/

The wood was stubborn and burned blotching, making it almost impossible to get those nice even skin tones that I wanted. I had almost given up on it but decided I had to at least try the blood splatter...I had not intended to make the entire background red but when I experimented with my splatter there ended up being too much in one spot so to get rid of it I just colored the whole thing. I liked it at first but now I am not so sure.

Needless to say...I am going to make another LOL I know my skills are no where near his but I want to send him something that I think is worthy of him, and this one just isn't good enough in my eyes LOL

This is wood burning. The color is acrylic red paint.
Dexter, if you don't already know, is from the series Dexter XD

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