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MY BABY PRINCESS FIGHTER COMPANION <3 she wears her bulky coat to protect her screen on her chest!!

wanted more fighters and wanted more girls so yay LOL asdkjhfk i love her screams!!! her master and her live in the middle class possibly? where he's got a p good life but is facing hard times and wants to ask her to fight in the companion fights w/ ezra, ruger, diesel, rowan, etc- but he doesn't actually ask because he doesn't want to put that weight on her?

BUT SHES V PERCEPTIVE and knows he wants her to after mentioning it once so swhile her master is making ends meet, she's off kickin ass

it's sad tho bc her master is never cheering her on like the others... :'( so she just pretends hes there even tho she acts like it's nbd

(also i tried SSOOo hard to not make her blonde but it happened and i'm sorry ill stop that soon lmfAO)

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  • Link

    oh NO what a great character it's too bad her master can't hang around to cheer her on tho 8'( what are the fights about? They sound important

    • Link

      ah well in my plot the companionverse, in the slums there's a secret hidden place where masters have their companions fight other companions- a ring controlled by ezra and some other peeps (like sven who was ezras bff4lyf and died OOPS) in order to win money that ezra suppies to the winner bc he's secretly filthy rich, it's kind of also a reputation thing where they fight for acknowledgement and etc!

      it's similar to dog fighting but less animal abuse and more just watching sentient robots beating each other up :9

      • Link

        ohh ok I understand, but the robots don't mind fighting, do they? 8(((

        • Link

          some do, some don't ~ they're sentient and have their own feelings on the matter, most of them fight for their masters causes with their own form of consent though! because companions, well the majority of them anyways, their masters are their priority and if they can help them they will mostly do whatever they can to assist :3

          • Link

            hoogh, well maybe it's not so bad if the robots get some satisfaction from doing it for their owners? Plus I imagine robots are easier to repair than animals and such would be