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The Chamaeleon Three 2023 by Akysi

The Chamaeleon Three 2023


This one was a long time coming, updates to The Chamaeleon Three! It was a difficult and delicate balance to strike with editing each of these, making sure their concepts and symbol integration were strengthened while streamlining a few things as well.

Lepus’s palette and design accents are very similar to Centaurus’s right now, as I plan to overhaul Rus’s colour palette with his own tweaks later. Between the two I think it fits Lepus a bit more.

I was already happy with Lynx’s prior pose so most of that was copied over here, and overall his tweaks are slightly more subtle compared to the others.

It was just a matter of cutting back on a few things to balance the level of detail and colour placement, which was easier said than done! Chamaeleon especially, I didn’t want her to lose her neon flare when trying to simplify parts of her design, so I had to take a long break after looping back on myself too many times. I’m not sure why it didn’t occur to me earlier to combine the concept of the mottled skin of a chameleon with spray paint splatter for her, but better late than never I guess! I wanted it to be more obvious that she’s a tagger without having to rely on her holding her spray gun or paint cans all the time.

I’m not sure who got the biggest glowup between them, but I’m super happy with all three, especially the improvements in the posing and overall anatomy/structure. This was quite a few months in the making, but it’s nice to see it complete now :)

The constellation symbols for Chamaeleon, Lynx, and Lepus were originally designed by Denis Moskowitz and released to the public domain.


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    "Is... Is that a Rainbow Squirtgun?" x3

    Took a bit of digging, but I did find the older versions of them in your 2020 folder ^^ Lynx now has 'Pants'! More of a skirt, but it's something ^^ Though I do always enjoy the fur prints/patterns, I feel like the extra clothing flows better. Especially with the long cape

    It looks like Chamealeon really got a new overall wardrobe :3 I honestly think both outfits look good (2020's version looks distinctively more like 'Clothing'), but it can be hard to tell what is part of the outfit/accessories and what's actually just her body.

    Lepus by far seemed to have the biggest update, and I feel its for the better. Nothing against Teal but it can be a difficult color to work with and get paired up to look good. Though the purple is very similar to Chamealeon's, that offset of Yellow really jumps out! They also look less irritated than three years ago x3

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      Haha yeah! It's one of the things she uses to paint her graffiti with, along with spray cans that aren't shown here. And yeah I realized after posting that I forgot to link to the old one lol, oops. I appreciate you hunting it down for the comparison though!

      True haha, I'm not 100% sure what to call his clothing but it's certainly his! I think the original idea was that he had torn pieces of it off to make it his own and thus did away with most of the bottom half, and some of that is still present here, but this feels a bit more cohesive overall. Whether or not my anthropomorphic characters wear pants/other clothing is usually determined by their shapes and colour/detail balancing than anything else, so I had to make sure that was still maintained here. Like I could probably get away with not giving Lepus pants, as they follow the shape of his legs pretty closely already, but I needed another place to put that mid-tone purple to match his neck ruff, so giving him knee-length pants was a good way to do that in this case.

      Yes she did! Since she can camouflage herself I made it deliberately ambiguous as to what is clothing and what isn't, and this is true for both versions, but I felt this was a little bit clearer. In the first version it's not immediately obvious how or why some parts overlap the way they do, and even I got confused at times! Plus I felt a hoodie was a really important element to have for a "teenage punk tagger" kind of character.

      And yeah I agree, his redesign was the first one I did among the three and the success of it prompted me to revisit the others afterwards. I wanted some colours to be shared or be very close to one another on each design to tie the three together, and I did keep that idea, but I think it was a case of trying to do too much with too many colours at once the first time around. I've worked with teal and green plenty of times before so I have my ways of making it work just fine, but I think this palette suits him more overall anyway. As I said, I'm essentially swapping palettes between Lepus and another character's design tweaks, so I guess we'll see later on if I pull it off!