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Tiara Stomach #2 by Acevis Elecion

Tiara Stomach #2

Acevis Elecion

This is the actual threat. It's current contents are but merely water, so It is in a bloated state currently, as a way to streamline circulation of blood to the surrounding areas. Should it contain Live prey however, It would itself become more engorged with blood to carry out it's function.

The stomach would think out and pack blood into the whole of the muscle and would contract to crush, slowly but surely extracting all nutrients in the same process a trash compactor makes more room for trash. After sufficient pressure is put, Then the hydrochloric Acid is released to break down the nutrients.

Ace is not been put here, and will not unless there is an extreme emergency that renders such an action the only to fix said emergency. Everyone else of course usually visits this one way and never return in physical form. This chamber also breaks souls down. Not destroy them physically but separate the conscious from the energy and slowly over time use and torture it into redundancy and nothing, while the raw energy of the soul is still released without it's conscious being it is little more than just energy itself and worth less if anything.

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